Thursday, October 17, 2024

Boise: Swearing In & Bogus 50K

 Bailey passed the bar, and was being sworn in as an attorney, so Mark headed to Boise for a couple days. She also had her first 50K the next day, so he stayed to watch her run that too. I was so sad to miss everything, but we had guests staying in the Airbnb, so one of us needed to be here. 

It's official, she can now practice law!

Cutest little family!

Bailey worked really hard to get to this point. Now she can take a deep breath, and enjoy not having to study.

I was so jealous that Mark got to play with Nora for two days.

She has her Pops wrapped around her finger.

Bailey tries to sign up for a race each year. Usually it's a road marathon, but this year she decided to run the Bogus 50k. It was her first big trail race, and farthest distance so far. She did great. She started throwing up at mile 22, but one of the workers gave her some ginger ale, and she carried on. She called me and talked to me on the phone for her last few miles. 😆

Refilling bottles at an aid station.

Yay, she did it!

She is planning on pacing me for 32 miles of my 100 miler, so this was good practice for that!

Mark had a fun weekend celebrating Bailey, seeing their new house, and playing with Nora.

Journey Concert

Mark and I went to the Journey concert with Jenn, Dale, and RJ at the East Idaho State Fair. We saw them a few years ago at the Stadium of Fire and loved them. It was one of my favorite concerts. This time around I was not super impressed. The sound wasn't very good, they played a bunch of songs we didn't know, and I was very uncomfortable in the stadium seating because of my back. Kind of a bummer, but still a fun night. 


Bailey, Mason, & Nora Visit

Bailey, Mason, and Nora came for a really quick visit to pick up a car. We love having Nora on the farm. She adds so much fun to everything!

Nora and Floof are pretty much besties while she's here. Floof is the best kid cat I've ever seen. He follows Nora around, and is 100% down for anything she wants to play. It's the cutest thing ever! 

Floof loves driving around in the car with Nora. Even when she's outside, we'll find him sitting in the car waiting for her. 😻

We have an almost identical picture of Bailey holding Splat the same way.

Even though it was a short visit, Nora still got to make the rounds to visit all her favorite animals.

Bailey with Ace and Opal.

Nora feeding Dolly treats. Listen for when Nora asks her if it's yummy. 😄

Nora has very little fear around the animals. She loves feeding them treats. She was even brave enough to feed them a treat from her mouth to get a donkey kiss.

We had a BBQ so everyone would get to see Bailey, Mason, and Nora. Nora and Adler met for the first time, and had loads of fun playing together. Second cousins are the cutest! 😊

Pops got to teach Nora how to drive Honk the Tractor. After all, she's the one who named it. 😂

I can't get over how cute she was up there driving Honk!

It was a really quick trip, but we'll take them whenever we can. Every time Nora spends time on the farm, I want her to move back so much more.