Monday, August 2, 2010

This n That

Bailey took one session of swim this summer, and she passed the class. She was in 'shark' and that's the last class, so she's done with swim lessons FOREVER! I guess I have mixed feeling about that. I'm happy to not have to sit at the pool for an hour every day during the summer, but I'm sad too, because she can't possibly be that grown up already. Swim lessons have been a part of my summer for the past 10 years. I guess it's on to better swim team! She's really excited about that.

She had to swim the mile. She finished it 10 minutes faster than she did last year, and she was the second one done. I guess all her running has made her pretty strong.

She was so excited when she got her report card and realized she was done with all the classes.

Sawyer went to Building Champions-Cross Country Camp. It was AWESOME! The Firth HS coach, Brett Hill, puts it on for high school runners in the area. They go up to a huge cabin in the mountains for 3 days. Sawyer made lots of friends, learned a lot, and ran a ton. It was just what he needed to get him motivated for the upcoming season. He wants to go every year until he graduates.

This was the whole group at the top of the hill after the Amazing Race.

Sawyer is at the top right.

Scrapbook Challenge
My Neighbor, Nicole, issued a scrapbook challenge for the month of July. I have been in a scrap booking rut, so I gladly accepted. Everyone was suppose to set their own goal. There would be prizes along the way, and a party at the end. My original goal was to get 15 pages done. I smashed that goal! I ended up with 22 pages, and 1 project finished! Thanks for the challenge Nicole. It was just what I needed!

Here's all my pages!

My project was to make a set of dinner conversation cards. Thanks to the help of Jenni, they turned out cute, and I'm really excited to use them.

Christmas in July
My friend Jenni started a themed dinner party group. Each month someone hosts dinner with a specific theme. It's been lots of fun. July was my month, so I did Christmas in July. It was the first time we had our spouses come, and we had a great time.

During dinner there was a storm. We looked outside and there was a huge, and very bright rainbow. I wish I could have got a picture of the whole thing.

Jenni, Keith, Colette, Curtis, Mark, Tricia, Lindsey, Justin, Tamra, Darrin. Kassie and Jeremiah were there too.


Jenni said...

Good job on your scrapbook challenge. I SUCK!!! I did nothing. Also, didn't you forget a picture from the dinner party? You know, the other one from outside when I thought I was coming out to see the rainbow? :)

Fullmer Family said...

How FUN!! Good job on "smashing" your goal!