Sawyer didn't shave at all over the Christmas break. He grew a caterpillar under his nose, and a porcupine beard. I kept telling him to shave, but he refused. We went to the Stake New Years Activity for the youth on Saturday. All the girls kept telling him to shave too. Since it was Brittany's birthday, he finally agreed that she could shave his face for her birthday present :)! THANK YOU BRITTANY for having a birthday at the perfect time! The girls were almost as excited as me! A new face, for a new year!

Emily and Lisa had the honor of applying the shaving cream.

Brittany went to work! I think they were all grossed out by the whole process, but she stuck it out, and actually did a really good job!

I was cracking up at the whole process. Sawyer was a great sport! He even let them cut his sideburns up to his ears (he was working on a chin strap).

The new and improved face!!! It's funny that it took a group of girls a few minutes to convince him to do what I had been begging him to do for a long time :)! I guess I know who to call when I need him to be persuaded next time :)!
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