Saturday, January 25, 2014

Family History Youth Conference

Our Stake had an awesome Family History Youth Conference. Bailey is a youth family history consultant for our ward, so she was able to help plan it. On Friday evening they met for a yummy dinner of soup and bread bowls. Then the kids met in the chapel for a kick off of the conference. They showed some videos of the importance of the youth getting involved in family history work, did a "Who Has My Name" demonstration, and a brief background of Ephraim Hanks. Then they separated into 4 groups and rotated through some activities. There were games in the gym, learning how to use FamilySearch on computers, Family History Twister, and a Temple video and learning how to interview grandparents in the chapel. They ended the night by watching Ephraim's Rescue.

Giant cookies for dessert!
The games in the gym were funny. They had to crab walk across the gym, chew up a cracker until they could whistle, put an Oreo on their forehead and get it into their mouths without using their hands, walk back on newspapers, and spoon feed water to their next teammate.  
Their relay team won! 
Twister with these girls was hilarious to watch!
Annie, Madi, Marlee, Bailey, and Emily 
I love Bailey's face in this picture.
On Saturday, they came back bright and early! They started the day off with a great breakfast, and then started their rotations between 4 more groups. They had a quilting service project in the gym, a Temple video and song practice in the chapel, a Jeopardy game, and an awesome demonstration by Brother Seedall. They gathered back together in the chapel to hear President Fuller speak to them. They sang the song they had been practicing. It was the 2014 theme song, 'Come Unto Christ'. It was so awesome, that President Fuller asked them to sing it at the Saturday evening session of Stake Conference that night. Then they ended the activity with a great lunch.

The quilting service project!
Bailey liked it, so now of course she want to learn how to quilt. Is there anything this girl doesn't want to learn how to do?  
Saving everyone in Brother Seedall's room!
All the girls wanted their pictures taken with the cute missionaries!
Bailey, Elder Eldridge, and Savannah. We took this picture to send to Sawyer. Elder Eldridge's first name is Sawyer too, and he's from Texas!

This was the last activity we would do as a stake, because the stake was split the next day at Stake Conference. We'll miss being all together, but at least they got to go out with a great activity.


Karyn Adams said...

I would love to ask a few questions about some of these activities. We are planning a youth conference and want to focus on family history.

TheLadyClaire said...

I echo Karyn Adams above, how do we reach you to ask some questions?