Monday, October 19, 2015

Work It!

Bailey has been teaching guitar lessons for a year. She has 3 students, and teaches two days a week before school in the mornings. That gives her enough money to put gas in her car, and to do something fun every once in awhile. She has been wanting an additional job so she can start saving for college. I have discouraged her from working, because she is involved in so many things. I didn't think she could fit it in without having a nervous breakdown. She was offered two cleaning jobs recently, and she took them both! Ahhhh, now she has 3 jobs! She cleans a small office building once a week on her own (I usually help her), and she cleans a big office building three times a week with a crew of kids. Her boss for the big building is her friend Parker, and she works with her best friend, Emily, so she's been enjoying it. I've got to hand it to her, she's handled it like a champ so far. She's been a good, dedicated worker, with no complaining. There have been some long nights of homework after work, but she's still done great. Cheers to responsible teenagers who work hard and think about their future!

Hahaha! I asked her for a couple work pictures, and this is what I got. Totally posed, but hilarious! 
Cutest office cleaners around!

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