Sunday, May 9, 2021

April Running

 Women's Runs:

The days are getting longer, so we've been able to venture a little farther out of town for our women's runs.

Trail Hollow
Wallace was the cutest!

Sunnyside Canal

Sunnyside Canal

Henry Creek
We had a big rainstorm that cleared up just for the hour we were running. Lots of fun mud though. 

IFTR Early Morning Group Runs:

Our first early morning run of the month was down Henry Creek and part way up Grandpa Henry's.

The picture doesn't do it justice, but we had a great moon this morning.

All the crazies that like to run in the dark.

The next week we had a snow storm, but made it to the top of Grandpa Henry's Meatloaf, plus some exploring around the top.

That's only part of the mountain we climbed in the snow.

This is a big climb!

Made it to the top to visit Grandpa Henry.


Kepp's Ridge/Trail of Bones:

This is one of my favorite early morning runs. We had a clear day so we could watch the sun rise over the Tetons.


Looking down toward Clowards from Kepp's Ridge.

Running along the ridge.


Trail of Bones/Dragon's Back:

My 100K training has started, so I'm logging lots of high mileage weeks. For the last early morning group run of April we met a little later in the morning, which worked out perfect for me. We did Trail of Bones and Dragon's Back, so I showed up early and ran 5 miles on the dirt road before the group run started, and then did 5 miles with the group.

Coming down Dragon's Back.

Dan and Andy

The Cairn at the end of Dragon's Back.

Random Runs:

We have been running the Butte a lot to get ready for Spitfire. It's fun to be back on it with no snow.

Sunrise of Trail Hollow.

Mark, Steph, and I had our long Saturday run at Wolf Flats. We started early and got a good sunrise over the river.

Wolf Flats

I love running this route in the spring.

We saw a couple bald eagles and a couple golden eagles.


Spitfire 25K:

Mark and I ran the Spitfire 25K the day after Sawyer's wedding. It's a hard early season race, but a good one to get our butts in shape for later in the season.

IFTR friends getting ready to start.

Mark on the north butte.

Heading to the south butte.

A picture of the north butte from part way up the south butte.

Looking through the south butte crater.


Distance- 17.6 miles

Elevation- 3200 ft.

Time- 3:46

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