Thursday, September 29, 2022

Nora Rae: 5 months

I can't even believe our little Nora Rae is 5 months old! Holy cow it's going by too fast! I hate that we have to miss so much, but Bailey is amazing at sending us pictures and videos every day. We love it!

Speaking of Bailey, I just need to do a shout out about her. She is full swing into her second year of law school, working, and still managing to be a kick butt mom. Props to her for being super women! The first week she was back to school as a mama, Mason came home and took the picture below. 😂 

Sometimes it's just all too much! 😂

Bailey has been making these little sensory activities for Nora to do while she's on her tummy. They are so cute, and Nora loves them. This one is glittery water with a bunch of goggley eyes. So fun!

I love how she concentrates!

This one is just toys in a sheet pan of water. She loves the water.

Bailey and Mason finally moved out of their very first apartment, and into a 2 bedroom. This is cute little Nora saying goodbye to her very first home. She looks so tiny in that empty room.

She gives a whole new meaning to baby blues. Check out those eyes! 😍

I could just die! She doesn't even look real! She's like the cutest little doll I've ever seen!

Nora got to go to her first (of many I'm sure) BSU football game! She's a total fan!

Go broncos!

She's a crowd pleaser!

Our cute little mini bronco!

So fun!

Nora learned how to unfasten both tabs of her diaper, and is obviously pretty dang proud of herself. 😂

Are. You. Kidding. Me!

Workin' the church life!

She got a new toy, and loves it!

My friend Amanda had Idaho Falls Trail Runner shirts designed for our women's running group to wear. When Nora was born, she got Nora a matching onesie, so she would be part of the group too. 😊 Nora and Bailey go running almost everyday, so now they can be winners, and rep the IFTR group from the other side of the state. So cute!


This picture cracks me up!

Jogging with her IFTR gear on!

You can see the logo in this one, after it has been sufficiently drooled on.

Happy 5 months baby girl! We sure love you to pieces!


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