Thursday, December 15, 2022

Clover & Willow

Scratching Post:

 I was out of town, and Mark made Clover and Willow the cutest scratching post! They were too timid to go by it the first few day, but once they realized what it was, they have loved it ever since.

He did such a great job! Four scratching brushes, and a hanging rope ball to play with.

Story Time:

We did another story time, and this time Willow was in charge of the reading light! 😂 It's seriously like having two toddlers.

It was all fun and games until she wouldn't give it back to me! 😂

First Snow:

We got a lot of snow one night, and I was so excited to take them on a walk in it the next morning! They loved it! They were so funny, but it is so hard to take pictures and videos while I'm trying to wrangle two curious donkeys. We need someone to follow us around with a camera.

Here's an indication of how much it snowed! It was the good powdery kind too!

They were so curious about it!

Willow loved it! She kept sticking her head in as far as it would go, and then come out covered in it.

It came most of the way up Clover's tiny little legs. 😅

Willow would bury her head in it and just keep walking. Every once in a while she'd come up for air. 😂 

Air break!

Willow was so disappointed when it was time to go back in the barn. I felt like the meanest donkey mom!

Water Bucket:

It got really cold in November, so we put a heating thinger in their outside water bucket. Mark had to move the bucket to a new location so he could plug in the heater. He put the bucket down and walked away for a second to get the heater. The girls promptly moved the bucket. I was inside watching them and just cracking up!

You can tell that Willow is the ring leader of the naughty shenanigans.

Clover just joins as back up and moral support.

The Big Green Sled:

I was in the barn feeding everyone dinner one evening. I always feed Reeses first. She is almost 15 years old, and she has earned her place as the queen of the barn. Willow got a touch impatient, and I saw her rearing up a little bit in her stall. The next thing I know, she stared right at me, and jumped the gate! I stood there totally shocked for a second, and then total chaos ensued! She was all smug about it, and just went trotting around inside the barn, thrilled with her new freedom. I wasn't sure if I should chase her, or try to calm Clover down, who was VERY distraught that she was left behind. I was so afraid that Clover would try to jump the gate next, and I knew she was too tiny to make it over. Should I open the gate and let Clover out? Should I try to catch Willow, so she doesn't cause any damage? How do I keep Reeses away from her? It was like a total circus! I caught Willow, and put her back in, but what was gonna keep her from jumping out again? I called Mark, and he was on his way home. I just fed them and hung out in their stall with them until Mark got home to fix things. This is where the big green sled enters the picture. He zip tied the slip to the gate until we could come up with a better solution. It worked like a charm. Willow was all put out that she could no longer put her head over the gate to get treats and scratches from us. Well Willow, whose fault is that?


I am happy to report that we have a much better solution up now. Mark ordered a cargo net from Amazon that took the place of the sled until we can get a bar welded across. I'm also happy to report that we let the girls out all the time to wander around in the barn now. It will be even better when our house is finished and we aren't storing our stuff in there. They love to roam around in there, and they are pretty good about staying our of trouble as long as we keep and eye on them.

Queen of the Hill:

We were outside fixing the flood lights, and Clover and Willow had a pretty great game of 'Queen of the Hill' going on! They are so fun to watch!

They love the dirt piles. 

Watch Clovers legs when she comes trotting up to the fence. Cutest thing ever! 😁

I can't even handle it when Clover tries to kick Willow. So funny! 😂 She might be little, but she's fierce!

Cute Bracelet:

We bought Clover and Willow a squeaky dog toy, and like most things they were timid of it and wanted nothing to do with it. I went out to their corral one day and found Willow wearing it like a boss. 😂 She hasn't been scared of it since. I went out another time, and she was running around with it on her back leg. 😂

Happy Thanksgiving:

She really is beautiful, even with turkey legs on her head.

Clover wanted a turn with the turkey legs, so we switched it up.

Reeses thought that she might be able to get out of dressing up this year. Not a chance!

The Candy Bucket:

They love to be out in the fresh snow!

We gave the girls a bucket, and it makes for great fun. I hid treats in it to see who would find them first. Clover was the winner!

At least they're good at sharing. 😁

Powdered Sugar:

I came out to the barn to check on things, and someone had powder sugared my donkeys! 😂

Gimme Those:

This is an everyday occurrence. They also untie our shoes! 😂

Donkey Hugs:

Willow adores Mark, and she always gives him hugs. She walks into him and puts her head on his shoulder. It's so sweet! 😍 I finally got one on video. Lately though, she has become a bit of a bully. She doesn't want us giving any attention to Clover, so she will squeeze her way in between us, and practically climb in our laps and sit on us. It's so funny, with a side of annoying! 😅

Sorry for the long post, but clearly I'm obsessed with these sweet girls! If you have an Instagram account, follow The Cozy Corral. I put all this stuff on reels, and it's way more fun to watch it that way.

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