Friday, March 3, 2023

Nora Rae-10 Months

 Ten months with our cute Nora Rae! She has been doing some big stuff this month, like trying lots of new foods, and learning to walk! Mark and I took a trip to Boise and got to spend a weekend with her. She is even better in person. So much fun! She is still the happiest, most easy going little girl.

These next few videos are of her learning to walk using her walker all by herself. She's the cutest!


OMG! I'm not sure if it's the outfit or the pigtails that just kill me. Both, I think it's both!

Helping mom with laundry.

She was pretty excited when her dad asked her to be his Valentine. 😍

Bailey started Sugar Alley, an 'at home' bakery, and Nora has become the best little kitchen helper.

I love all the Sunday church pictures I get!

Nora is tiny, but the girl can eat! Bailey and Mason are introducing her to one new food a week. It's been fun to watch. The first 'real food' she had was eggs.

Trying eggs for the first time. She wasn't quite sure.

It didn't take her long to realize she likes 'real food.'

This is her crinkle face, and it's my absolute favorite!

She loves bananas, but wasn't a fan of avocados the first time she tried them. Now she likes them a lot.

Yay for big girl food!

Nora discovered that if she talks into a cup, it's like her own little microphone. πŸ˜‚

Bad quality video, but you get the gist of what's going on. Nooooo, she's not even 10 months old yet, and she's still way too little to walk! Slow it right on down Nora Rae!

Watching a BSU gymnastics meet.

Bailey mostly lets Nora eat on her own, with a little guidance from mom and dad. It makes for longer meal times, and a bigger mess, but Nora has done so good! It's helping her a ton with fine motor skills. She is little miss independent, and if unwanted help is offered, she's not a fan. πŸ˜‚ It seems like there is a high chance she may be a left as well. They offer her the spoon on both sides, but she totally prefers to eat left handed.

Breakfast FaceTimes still happen, and they are still my favorite!

Nora cleaned off her bookshelf, and in the process, found a binky. She has never used a binky, aside from her first few days of life. πŸ˜‚

Such a good helper! πŸ˜…

Cute little Valentine girl! πŸ₯°

Tomatoes were fun for her to eat, but she ended up with a rash, so she doesn't get to have them again for awhile.

Nora started sticking one of her legs out while she eats.  Bailey pushes it back down, but it pops right back up. πŸ˜‚

Her foot! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Nora's first hike of the season!

The not so great part of the month, was Nora's first trip to the ER. Bailey called me because Nora had thrown up a couple times. She had been acting fine, and then all of a sudden she was throwing up. Bailey wasn't sure if she should be concerned or thought maybe she just gagged herself enough to empty her stomach. Just in the few minutes she was on the phone with me, Nora threw up a couple more times. We were FaceTiming, so I could see her. She was mostly dry heaving, because she had nothing left in her stomach. I had Bailey take her temperature, and it was fine. She was wondering if she should try to nurse her, and neither of us was sure. I told her to call the nurse on call at her doctor's office to ask if nursing her was a good idea. While she was calling, Nora kept throwing up, and it turned to green bile. The nurse Bailey was talking to was so great. She could tell Bailey was getting stressed, and she did a really good job to keep her calm. The nurse told Bailey she needed to take Nora to the ER. She followed that up with telling her not to panic, she was only sending her to the ER because that's where they had the equipment to run a couple tests. She assured Bailey that it wasn't an emergency and she didn't need to panic and rush her there. I guess green bile is a sign of a congenital defect, but usually manifests itself in newborns 12 weeks and younger, but they needed to rule it out. Bailey picked up Mason, and they headed to the ER.
They were there for 4 hours! Nora was severely dehydrated, and they needed a sample of her urine. Bailey finally nursed her, and that seemed to perk her up a ton. She finally peed, they got their sample, and all the test came back fine. They think she just had a quick stomach bug. Now they just needed to focus on getting her rehydrated.

Ugh! Poor little squish! That's hard on a mom's heart, and hard on a Gram's heart too! 😒

Feeling much better after getting anti nausea medicine and getting to nurse. Love this happy girl so much. She is so good natured, even when she doesn't feel good.

I could seriously watch her eat forever! πŸ˜† She isn't nearly as coordinated with her right hand. I'm curious to see how that plays out.

Who needs a spoon, when you can double fist it! 🐷

Then we add the foot to the mix. πŸ˜‚ I'm not sure what I like more, the foot, or her getting the food out of her bib to eat. πŸ˜†

When your hair is on point. πŸ˜„

You think I have enough eating videos? I will never get tired of it!

Snuggles with dad!

She's dreamy!

Nora was there for a very exciting BSU basketball game!

A huge win over San Diego!

Nora got to be a part of storming the court!

Cutest BSU fan ever!

They waited until the crowd calmed down before they brought Nora down to the court!

And then, before we know it, baby girl is 10 months old! We love this cute girls with our whole hearts!

The way she looks at her llama friend is the best. πŸ˜„

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She’s amazing!!! ❤️❤️❤️