Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Nora Rae-12 Months!

A year with our sweet Nora; holy cow! She is really starting to let her personality shine, and she's the happiest, smartest, cutest baby on the planet! 😁

She tried her first cookie from her mom's bakery, and was a big fan. 

There's nothing cuter than a little diaper butt toddling around!

These video got me and Mark all choked up for so many reasons. I hope once school is out for summer, a lot more of this will happen.

Cutest little thing in her mom's guitar case. I hope she plays someday! Bailey kept the first guitar she got when she was 8 years old, and I would love to see Nora play it someday.

Little dancer just getting her groove on! 😂

I can't believe she is wasting a perfectly good avocado! I love her facial expressions trying to get a reaction from her mama. 😁

Tickle time, so we can get a good view of all her teeth. 

Again, with the rhythm! 😆

Wanna bite? SIKE! 😂

When Bailey was in kindergarten, she needed an oversized shirt to put on over her clothes for art. I made her the cutest one with her name on it. She used it for art that year, and then kept wearing it for pjs until she was quite old. I had no idea she kept it, but she put Nora in it to decorate her Easter eggs. Boy, doesn't that tug at my heart strings. 😌

Sassy Bailey with her sassy mini!

Bailey tried an edible way for Nora to color her Easter eggs. Whip cream and food coloring for the win!


Nora's eggs turned out so good!

Here's her cute little path to her Easter basket!

Nora got fridge magnets in her Easter basket, and this is the text I got from Bailey. 😂 She is totally my daughter. 

At church on Easter wearing her cute new dress from Grams and Pops! 😁

Bailey has always been good about having activities for Nora to do, and the mess doesn't bother her. Bailey has been making edible paint, and Nora is becoming quite an artist. 😀

Cutest little Picasso!

This is probably my new favorite Nora video. 😅

Boise is finally having beautiful weather, and Bailey has been taking Nora to the park. She loves being outside and exploring her world, now that she is mobile.
She loved the swing!

Her favorite thing is yelling at the geese, and finding big sticks.

Oh, sooooo close! 😁

Bailey and Nora ran their first 10k together, and that makes me beyond happy! Bailey had a goal when she had Nora, to still do all the things she loves, and just bring Nora with her. I love that they did this together. I wish I could have been there to cheer them on, or run it with them. It's on my bucket list to run a race with Nora someday.

Cutest little racers!

Good job girls!
Bailey said her arms and shoulders were sore from pushing the stroller. She was 5th in her age group, even with the extra load.

Post race snacks.

So darling! She already knows how to get her nose wiped!

Another day of collecting sticks at the park.

There is no question about who Nora gets her crinkle nose from. 😁

Her hair blowing in the breeze about kills me. 😍

Another park day, and it's warm enough to show off those little white legs. 😁

Drinking out of a big kid cup! 😭

Nora supporting her dad at his senior showcase.

Mason's project was giving vision to blind robots. Super cool!

So proud of her dad!

The cutest little college fam!

On this park adventure, she found quite a large stick to carry around. 😅

Then, just like that, our little Nora Rae turned one year old! 😭 She is having her birthday party a week late, because Mason is graduating, so everyone will be there that weekend. It's gonna be a fun weekend celebrating them both. She had a great day with Bailey and Mason on her actual birthday though. She got lots of presents. She had a fun breakfast, and spent the day at the zoo!

She got lots of fun presents.

Bailey and Mason got her THE CUTEST bike! She needs to grow a couple more inches before she can do it on her own, but she seems to love it!

Grandma Triska got her the most darling kitchen and cookie baking set, so she can help Bailey with her 'at home' bakery business. So cute!

Matching hats!

She had pancakes for the very first time.

She tried homemade flavored applesauce that her great grandma made, and she was a huge fan.

Nora loved her first time at the zoo. They got a summer pass, so between the zoo and the park, I think she'll have tons of outside fun this summer!

I was dying at the 12 month pictures Bailey sent me. She was so over it! 😂


Are we done yet? 😂

It's the pig tails that do it for me! 😁

Happy birthday Nora Rae! We love you to pieces, and can't wait to come celebrate with you!

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