Thursday, July 11, 2024

Boise Trip to Watch Nora

We took a quick trip to Boise to watch Nora while Bailey surprised Mason with an overnighter for his birthday. Mason thought they were just going on a dinner date, but they were really staying in a hotel for a little staycation. Mark and I were beyond thrilled to hang out with our Nora Rae!

We took Nora to a fun pizza place, and then to ice cream afterwards. Then it was back home for a movie night.

Ice cream with our favorite girl!

The next morning we went out to breakfast, walked through a nature center, and went shopping.


A fun walk through the nature center.

We were pointing at a deer we saw right when we got there.

Looking at ducks.

Nora doesn't walk. She pretty much runs everywhere she goes. She's my kind of girl!

A petroglyph rock.

Looking at the fish.

I wasn't sure Pops was gonna fit through this log, but she insisted that he come. 😆

We went shopping because I wanted to find her some bath paint and bath bombs. We found that, and a lot more! She is so fun to shop with! Her favorite thing was riding in Pop's truck. She would have us sing to her over and over again, because Pops was hilarious with the songs. All the drives were basically all of us cracking up.

We got her all decked out and ready for her visit on the 4th of July!

We got a cute little bubble set, and played outside with those for a long time.

Blowing bubbles with Pops. 😊

We could play with her all day!

A little bit of playing in the dirt.

We got her this cute sunshine hat. She loved it!

Once Mason and Bailey got home, Mark and I headed out around the river for our long run of the week.

The Boise Greenbelt.

Before we headed home, Bailey wanted to take us to this fun food truck place along the greenbelt that has live music. It was worth it just to watch Nora dance. 😁

The next day, Bailey sent me this cute video of Nora wearing a new pair of pajamas that we got her.

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