Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Cider Bend-August



The airbnb stayed booked for August. We've had such fun guests from all over the place, and it's been so fun chatting with them, and sharing the farm and animals with them. We're still holding strong with all 5 star reviews!


I love these girls so much!

Now that we extended the corrals, it's so fun for me to look out the back windows and see the donkeys zooming around. I often grab my phone to go out and film them, but I usually only catch the tail end of the zoomies.

I love that I can just take a few steps out of the house and be with all my animals. It's the best!


The goats are still doing great and entertaining us. 

They all still love taking their daily walks, and it's a bonus when Mark is home so Reeses can go at the same time as them.


The cows are still a big hit with everyone who visits the farm. They are so cute and friendly. I just love them to pieces!

We had guests from Poland, and we were out in the corrals chatting with them, and looked up to find Ace like this. 😂 Be the tree Ace, be the tree!

Opal is a good sport when Mark is in charge of brushing her. 😅

Oh my gosh, his sweet face!

Sometimes Ace can be demanding! 😆

Opal had her second bath, and now that I know she likes it, I can be more thorough. We bought fun new scrubbing gloves, and a blow dryer and she loved it all!


The chickens made us Instagram famous! Haha, of all the cute animal content I post, it's the disgusting reel of chickens eating bugs that went viral. It fascinates people! Mark just came up with a way to draw the bugs out of the ground so the chickens could get more protein. We're at 6.6 million views and still going! We have 164 thousand likes, 60 thousand shares, and over a thousand comments. It's crazy! My goal was to be at 1000 followers by the end of summer, and now thanks to the chickens, I have over 4100 followers. Enjoy the reel below.

I'm still having tons of fun letting the chickens try new food. I told Mark that my phone search history is hilarious. It's just a bunch of 'can chickens eat (fill in the blank).' 😂

When the chickens aren't making viral videos, they are laying fantastic eggs! There is something so satisfying about waking out in our own yard, and coming back in with breakfast. I love it!

We have such fun colors!

Lucy lays a ton of double yolkers. I remember as a kid, if we cracked a double yolker, we felt like we won the lottery! 😆

So many people told us to post more chicken and bug content, so we did another reel. This one got over 86 thousand views.

Misc. Farm Stuff:

If you remember from last month, we started letting all of the animals out together. It took a bit for them all to get used to being together, but now they all get along great. We've had some crazy wind storms, and we got our big trees trimmed, so we've had a lot of branches. The animals really enjoy them, and I've been surprised at how good they share with each other.

Often times I go out to the barn to check on everyone, and all seven of them are crammed into the same stall together. 😂

Some of our biggest farm news of the month is that we got a tractor! Mark is so excited! Now we can get a lot of the projects done that we've been holding off on.

Nora wanted to name the tractor Honk, so Honk it is! 😆

I love Mark's cute grin as he's on his way to get the first project done on the tractor list. 

We're still loving life on the farm, and we're still working hard to build the farm of our dreams. One step closer with each project we finish.

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