Monday, November 11, 2024

Halloween in Boise

 Halloween is my favorite, but the past couple years it hasn't been as fun. It's a little boring with no kids home, and living in the country where we don't get many trick or treaters, so we decided to go to Boise and spend it with Nora. Best decision ever! We drove over on Halloween morning, and got there just in time to meet Bailey at work for some fun trick or treating and a tour of the courthouse. Not many kids went through, so Nora got so spoiled! She filled her whole candy bag just in the courthouse offices. It was fun meeting the people Bailey works with, and getting a cool behind the scenes tour.

One of the offices has a photo station, games, and lots of candy to hand out.

We went to Justice Moeller's office, and he put on his Darth Vader costume for Nora. Justice Moeller is Sawyer's father in law, so it's fun for Bailey to work in the courthouse just down the hall from him.

We got to tour the court room, and see some back rooms like where the justice's robe themselves, and sit and make decisions.

This is the first time the women justices outnumber the men.

Bailey got off work early, and we went home and got ready for more Halloween festivities.

Grams and Pops brought Nora a Halloween package, and she loved her pumpkin necklace.

Ready for a night on the town. 😆

Bailey and Mason made us a fun Halloween dinner.

We spent the evening on Harrison Blvd. They block off the whole street to traffic, and the houses are decorated crazy good. The whole neighborhood participates, and there are all kinds of things to draw big crowds to certain houses. It's so fun! One house even had a live band playing Halloween songs. The owners stand out on the sidewalk handing out candy to the constant line of people. 

Nora was the cutest little hot dog just dancing her way down the sidewalk. 😁

We all loved the creepy circus house! There were some pretty scary things, and I would wonder if Nora was gonna get scared. She pretty much went by and waved and everything. There was a giant buzzard at one house, and she waved and said, "Hi duck!" 😂

I loved this spider house!

Grams and Pops with their cutest little hotdog!

In case you were wondering if Nora was excited about being a hot dog, she was! Very much! 😄

I wanted to post this picture too, to show how cute their little family costume theme was. They handed out little smokies at their trunk or treat, and they were a big hit! 😂

Meanwhile, while we were in Boise doing scary stuff, Amanda was in Idaho Falls looking super cute dressed like Belle in her 4th grade classroom. Such a perfect costume for her!

Mark and I got up early on Friday and did our long run while Bailey was at work. Friday night was a Boise State football game. Bailey and Mason have season tickets, so Mark and I bought tickets so we could go with them. We had tons of fun! Boise fans bring the energy. The Broncos are having a great season, and Nora is one of their biggest fans! 

Towards the end of the game I looked down and the potato was lying face down on the sidelines. I think he fell and couldn't get back up. I was laughing so hard! 😂 Someone eventually came by and helped the poor potato back to it's feet.

On Saturday we spent the morning playing with Nora. We took Bailey out for her birthday lunch, and then had to head back to Idaho Falls.

When our kids were little, and they got together with all their cousins, it could sometimes get rowdy. Mark used to have all the kids sit in a circle on the floor and teach them to meditate. It was hilarious! He tried it with Nora, and she caught on pretty fast. 😆

We played lots of games with Nora, and she had us laughing all morning.

Three generations of goof balls!

It was a quick trip with lots packed in. Being around Nora for Halloween was just what I needed to remind me why Halloween has always been one of my very favorite holidays.

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