Monday, July 6, 2009

God Bless America!

We LOVE the 4th of July! We always have so much fun, and this year was no exception! We kicked off our celebration on Thursday night with our annual neighborhood fireworks. Everyone in the neighborhood brings a treat to share, and whatever fireworks they want to light off. The culdesac is filled with fireworks, all going off at the same time, kids running everywhere, and parents chatting. It is complete chaos, but so much fun!

We started a new tradition this year. We have been running all summer, so we signed up for the Firecracker Fun Run 5K. It was great. Sawyer had the best showing of the family. He beat us all, and he was on the news! We left before the awards because we wanted to make it to the parade on time, but we later found out that Bailey won her division. She was so excited! We can't wait to do it again next year!

My cute little runners!

We love the small town parade in Idaho Falls! It's so fun to see people that we know in it. Sawyer is too 'mature' now to run for the candy they throw, but Mark and Bailey still love it :)!

The cousins were here this year for the 4th! They don't get to see each other very often, so when they do, they have the best time. Sawyer, Noah, Bailey, Sydnie, Cali, Bella.

Sawyer, Grammy, and Bailey.

We always have a BBQ before we go down to the fireworks. There is nothing quite like a big hamburger on a sunny afternoon on the 4th of July.

Sawyer, Noah, Cali.

Bailey, Bella, Sydnie.

Then it's off to the river to watch the weird people and the fireworks! Melaluca always puts on a great show. We love how the whole town shows up for the fireworks. Every space of grass is taken up by chairs and blankets. So much fun!

Kim and Shawn

Grammy and Papa

Sawyer, Noah, Bella, Sydnie, Bailey, Cali.


Christina said...

Great job on the run! It's a given that you'd have winning runners. Isn't this such a great holiday? Family, friends, and good times! Can't beat it!

Kassie Temple said...

It looks like you guys had a great time! Good job on the races!!

Nicole said...

ha ha that is priceless. I love the tid bit about watching the wierd people. That is just funny.

Nicole said...

We were sad to miss the neighborhood fireworks - we always look forward to them. Wow, what little runners you have - Congrats! I hope Mark didn't steal too much candy from the kids ;)