Bailey's Big Surprise
Mark put us in the lottery drawing this year for the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Concert featuring David Archuleta. We were so excited when we found out we got tickets to the Saturday night show. I was even more excited when I found out that David Archuleta was going to be doing a signing at the Deseret Book in Salt Lake City on Friday night. We left right when the kids got home from school, and drove straight to the store. They dropped me off with Bailey thinking I just had to buy something I couldn't find in Idaho Falls. Mark took the kids to check into the hotel, and get dinner while I stood in line in the freezing cold to save us a spot to meet Archie. Once I realized that I had a really good spot in line, I called and told Bailey what I was really doing. There was all kinds of giggling and squealing into the phone :)! They met me at the store about a half hour before he was supposed to be there. We bought her David Archuleta's new book to have signed. We also let her open one of her Christmas presents while she stood in line, which was his newest CD. So, with Mark and Sawyer's help, she was able to have 3 things autographed. She was one happy girl :)!
Temple Square
After the signing, we walked around Temple Square and looked at the lights. It's a beautiful place during Christmas time.
Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert featuring David Archuleta
Saturday night was the concert. It was AMAZING! We got seated in the Conference Center early, and had fun watching some general authorities walk in. We saw President Eyring and Uchtdorf. We heard that Elder Bednar and a few more were there, but we only spotted the two. The show was so good. I know that David Archuleta is famous for his pop music, but his voice was meant for the kind of singing he did last night. He was absolutely incredible.
I loved reading your post and seeing your photos. You must have been pretty close to the front of that signing party line to get that great posed pic! I'm so glad you enjoyed the concert, and made wonderful family memories to last forever! Merry Christmas! - MoSop
how exciting! I didnt even know about it until people were talking about going! how fun!!
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