Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fun Stuff!

There has been lots of fun stuff happening around here!

I had a wonderful get-away for my traditional Red Lion scrapbook weekend. I look forward to this weekend all year. I have been working a lot lately, so I was VERY excited about it this year. I love hanging out with friends and scrap booking all weekend long. I got 20 pages done, which I was pretty proud of.

Here's all my pages!

Bailey got her hair trimmed from Colette. Bailey always get excited to see what fun style Colette has in store for her. This one was so cute!

Front view

Darling back view.

Bailey loved it! She wanted to have it like that for school the next day. I knew that I wouldn't be able to duplicate the style in the morning. Bailey asked if she could just stay up all night so it wouldn't get messed up while she slept. I said no, so she slept sitting up in her chair all night. She cracks me up! Her hair looked great for school the next day though! I have never been a girly girl, so I'm so glad I have very talented friends that can help Bailey out in this department :)!

Falls Valley had an AR challenge, and at the end of it, Obert Skye (author of the Leven Thumps series, and Pillage series) came to Falls Valley for an assembly. If you were in the top ten boys or girls for AR points you got to get a signed poster, and meet the author. Bailey was one of the top ten! It was pretty cool. Obert Skye did a great assembly.

During the assembly

Bailey receiving her poster
Obert with some of the top AR readers

Here's Bailey getting her books and posters signed. I was teaching her class that day, so it was fun for me to be there for all of it.

She thought it was funny that he wrote, "Foo to You" in the book.

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