Bailey is a chip off the old block, and loves it too! We love scary movies, haunted houses, decorating, dressing up, parties, handing out candy, all of it! It's not as exciting now that the kids are grown up, so this year me and Mark mostly just partied without them. We watched a scary movie every weekend, and hit a few haunted houses. Good times! We kicked off the month with our annual Halloween date night with the Hughes. We went to dinner at Fuji, and then went to the Haunted Hospital in Shelley. Next, I planned a date night with my friends and their hubbies, and we went to The Haunted Mill. It was so good this year! Lesa swore the whole way through, and I laughed the whole way through. I'm the only one in the group that really loves scary stuff, but they're good sports and always come with me! Mark's BYU-I ward had a Halloween party/talent night. So fun! Mark, Bailey, and I went as pirates. Then on Halloween night, Bailey and I handed out candy. Our neighborhood gets crazy busy! We got our first trick or treaters at 5:20, and we were out of candy by 7:30! We shut the lights off, and Mark and I headed to the Haunted Straw Maze. Three college girls from his ward were working in the maze and asked us to come. While we were there, we found three more college girls from his ward going through the maze! We all ended up going through together. So fun!
Mark, Tricia, creepy friend, Lesa, Brian, Jason, and Michelle. |
The Haunted Mill! |
Pirates for the ward Halloween party/talent night. |
His ward is the best! So many kids dressed up and shared talents. I loved these cute Wizard of Oz girls! |
Perter Pan and his shadow. |
The Thriller dance was awesome! |
These cute Christmas girls won the group costume contest, so they get to have a movie night at our house. |
Thriller dancers! |
A 'Pie' talent, and 'All About That Bass' talent. Don't mind the photo bombers! |
On Halloween night, the sky put on a nice show for us! |
The pictures don't do it justice, but the sky was bright orange! So pretty! |
Bailey went to the Haunted Theater earlier in the month with a group of xc kids. On Halloween, she handed out candy for a little while, and then had a date to the Straw Maze. Mark had told the three college girls that she would be coming through, so they had fun saying her name and messing with her. |
The Straw Maze! |
We found Elizabeth, Julie, and Amanda, so we went through the Maze with them. |
Meg, Marissa, and Kristen were working in the maze. While we were posing for this picture, the chainsaw guy started it up right behind us. Scared the living daylights out of everyone. So funny! |
That's a wrap on Halloween! I'm sad to see it go!
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