Since the kids are both adults now, we did Christmas a little bit different. They got 4 presents this year:
Something you WANT
Something you NEED
Something to WEAR
Something to READ
They were given a paper to write whatever they wanted in each category, and then Mark and I picked one from each to get them. It worked out really good!
I could care less about presents this year, I was just happy to have everyone home for a month!
Kaija spent Christmas in Utah with her family, so her and Sawyer exchanged one gift before Christmas, and a couple after Christmas when she got back. |
Awe, so sweet! |
Bailey made lots of yummy stuff for us to eat on Christmas Eve! We had a nice ham dinner that night. |
Matching pjs! |
Merry Christmas! |
Stockings! |
They love Christmas! They aren't allowed on the carpet, but they get so excited for presents, that they just keep inching their way into the room! :) |
Presents for the puppies! |
His WANT present was a gaming chair. |
His NEED present was a sun shade for his car. |
His WEAR present was a pair of athletic shoes. |
His READ present was the Gentlemen Bastard series (and we threw in a Dave Ramsey book for good measure). |
Santa also surprised him with a present he wasn't expecting. He got concert tickets for Carrie Underwood! The concert isn't until summer but that will give him something to look forward too. |
Her WANT present was a small vacuum for her dorm (she is a pretty practical person). :) |
Her NEED was a 2019 planner. We had fun making it look super cute, and getting her life organized the next few days (a girl after my own heart). |
Her WEAR gift was training gear for her triathlon. She is doing a half iron man in July, so she got a couple tri suits. |
Her READ gift was her own set of Harry Potter books. I got her Heartless too, because I wanted her to have something she hasn't already read. |
They got the usual movie stash for us to watch over the break. |
Sawyer got Bailey the perfect gift; an Underground Railroad hat and water bottle. She loves them! He got Mark and I running belt bags. I am using mine for snowshoeing. |
Bailey got us all the journal edition of the Book of Mormon. |
Bailey gets us all up at 5:30 in the morning, so this happens shortly after presents are opened. |
We tried to find Reeses a stuffed Reindeer as close to her old one as we could. The old one was soooo disgusting, but she loved it so much, that we didn't have the heart to throw it away. I snuck the old one to the trash, and she seems to love the new one already. :) |
While everyone was resting, Bailey went around the house vacuuming with her new vacuum! Haha, if I would have known that, I would have been getting her cleaning stuff for years! |
We spent the rest of the day watching movies, playing games, eating yummy food, and using our new stuff. I liked simplifying the gifts this year, and trying to keep our focus where it should be.
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