Sunday, May 24, 2020

Happy Birthday Sawyer!

It was a busy weekend! Camping, Our anniversary, Mother's Day, and Sawyer's birthday to celebrate! Sawyer's birthday was on Monday, but we celebrated on Sunday, because that's when we usually have everyone home. He came over for presents, his favorite dinner, and his favorite cake for dessert. I didn't have to make any of it, because it was mother's day too, so no cooking for me! We got him a bookshelf for his apartment, and a mattress topper for his mattress (he's using our old mattress, and it sucks). On Monday, Mark picked up Sweet-o Burrito and we brought it to his apartment for lunch.

Blowing out his birthday candles. Don't mind the crazy hair and beard. He's not taking care of that until the 'stay home' order is lifted and he goes back to work. Ugh!

Meet Grizzly Adams and his new bookcase.

Helping his mattress pad flatted out after unrolling it.
Happy Birthday Sawyer! Thanks for making us laugh with your wit and inappropriate humor!

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