Thursday, February 29, 2024

February Running

I had a big running month in January, so I toned it down a lot in February, and focused more on cross training. I did a lot of iFit biking, rowing, boxing, and treadmill workouts. I did still get outside a bit, just not as much as normal.

Kelly Canyon Heart Loop:

I kicked off the month with the Kelly Canyon Heart Loop with Jenn. It was snowy the majority of the way, and then got icy coming down Little Kellys. I can't wait to do this run in the summer.

Soup In the Snow:

Soup in the snow is always a favorite. I missed it last year because of an injury, so it was good to be back. My goal was to just run comfortably, and have a fun morning. That's what I did, and I ended up doing pretty well. I can tell my fitness level is increasing, and I'm not sure if it's the way I've been eating, but my body has been responding really well lately. I kept going at the end and ran down the road to get an even 10 miles. The trail conditions were great this year.


Fun crew this year!

The Yeti and deer spent the night at the lower lake, and had bacon and beer for the runners. 😆 I helped myself to some bacon, and then had a great second half of the run!

So pretty!

Butte Snow Hike:

Joyce and I hiked the Butte for our hill day. There was quite a bit of snow!

Wolf Flats:

Ashlee planned a long run on Wolf Flats, and it was a great morning. Ashlee, Becky, Ashley, Mark, and I started, and crossed paths with the earlier group when they were on their way back. It was a very cold morning!

When the whole gang met up!

Women's Runs:

The Women's Runs were great this month. It's staying lighter for longer, so we've actually been starting the runs in the daylight. Yay! We kicked it off drawing a t-rex for Strava art. You can never go wrong with Strava art. 😄

T-rex drawers.

We had a nice run around the Greenbelt and were treated to a lovely sunset.

Steph Magee set up a special Women's Run night for us. We took over the Alive bike studio, and had a great cycling class. We filled all the spots, and had so much fun! I was a little bit nervous, because I had run a self supported 50k two days before this, and my legs were pretty tired, plus I was worried about being a spaz and falling off the bike trying to do the dance moves. The class is all rhythm based, and if you know me, you probably know that is definitely not my strong point. 😅 I ended up doing good, and caught on faster than I thought. I really loved it! If I still lived in Idaho Falls, I think I would buy a punch card and go more often. Super fun atmosphere!

Look at all these awesome ladies!

Antelope Island:

We try to do an annual dirt and sunshine run down in Utah at Antelope Island this time each year. We didn't do it last year, because I was laid up with a stress fracture (that I don't actually think was a stress fracture, but rather a nerve or tendon thing). Steph organized it this year, and it was a great day. I try to do something big each month, so I wanted to do a self supported 50k while we were there. We had beautiful weather, so it was the perfect day for it! We had a group of 4 do 20 miles, and Mark, Jenn, and I did the 30 mile loop around the island. I felt super good. I tried some new things as far as hydration and nutrition, and everything worked like a charm. I was still running a lot at the end, so I think I'm up to being able to handle 35-40 miles without too much trouble. I feel good about that this early in the year.

Sign picture!

Our start picture before the two groups separated.

The Salt Lake, snowy mountains, and barren, rocky landscape kind of had a Death Valley vibe to it.

These bison were right next to the trail. They freak me out! I'm fine with bears, moose, snakes, and all the other things we encounter on the trails, but I'm not a fan of getting anywhere near these guys. They are massive!

That water was on the trail. That's how close to it they were.

I laughed right out loud when I went back and watched this video. 😂 I'm such a dork! First of all, I tell them to stay, like they are dogs or something, and then I freak out and say they are coming, just because one shifted it's weight to another foot. 😅

There were pretty mountain reflections in the lake.

This was in the middle of a 3 mile climb.

The last 13 miles is pretty flat, and honestly nothing exciting to look at. Just a lot of sage brush, and tall grass like this picture. I just set out running, got in the zone, and busted the miles out. I'd stop each time my watch ticked off another mile to make sure I took a drink. I was pleasantly surprised at how good I did through this part.

About a mile left!

This guy was a little too close for comfort, but we were running along a fence line, so I knew I could climb it if need be. I had to stop for a picture, because he had a bird on his back. 😁

It's that time of year where I start getting the winter blues, and I really need to take every chance I can to get outside and get some sunshine. I struggle through February and March, and it's this kind of stuff that keeps me sane. I'm hoping to get outside more in March!

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