Monday, February 5, 2024

Ice Baths

We have some big things planned for this year, and I know that in order to be able to do them, I need to get my back doing a lot better. I was ready and willing to take some drastic measures if it would help. We started ice baths at the start of the year. We do them three times per week, and I've increased my time in the bath by 15 seconds each week. I started at 3 minutes, and ended the month at 4 minutes. Mark is way better at them, and stays in way longer. I HATE doing them! Like, I mean, I SERIOUSLY HATE it! I also made some drastic eating changes, and have eliminated sugar and white flower from my diet. The hope is that all of this combined will help with the inflammation in my body, and give me some back relief. I'm not sure if it's the baths, or the diet changes, but I didn't have to take ibuprofen one single time in January. That is HUGE for me. I was having to take it regularly just to be able to function through most days. So I will keep doing the baths, and I will keep hating them! 😅


We bought a little stock tank and it sits on our back porch.

Sawyer is the one who talked us into ice baths. He's been doing them regularly for over a year, and has had great results from them. He came over and tried ours.

We aren't kidding when we say ice bath; it's winter in Idaho, so we have to break ice off the top. 😩

Maybe it will be easier outside in the summer, but it is brutal in the winter. It is such a mental game for me. We did them inside for a week when we had negative temperatures, and a blizzard warning. 

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