Wednesday, June 26, 2024

May Adventures

I spent a lot of time strength training in May. I haven't done that in a long time, and I really enjoyed it. I knew my 100 mile training program was starting soon, so I got some good runs in too. I kind of did a version of the first month of it, to see where I was going to be at physically once it started.


I did an early morning Sidewinder run with Ashlee, Ashley, and Becky. I love that trail. Such a good climb, and then such a fun downhill run.

We had a really pretty sunrise.

Starting the day with these ladies is always a good idea.

Trail Hollow:
Dan had a Lost Souls preview run on Trail Hollow, so we got in a nice 6 miler. I knew I wouldn't be able to participate as much as usual with the Lost Souls this year, so I was glad to get to go on this one.

Cress Creek Canal:
I did a beautiful 5 mile solo run on the Cress Creek Canal. I had a nice chat with a beaver. đŸĻĢ

I love this area in the early mornings.

Cute little beaver friend.

Wolf Flats:
I've made it a point to get in some solo runs in the mornings, and I've really been enjoying them. This was a nice 5 miles on Wolf Flats.

Wolf Flats

The Butte:
I met up with Ronda and Chris for a round on the Butte. They needed to get a lot of miles and elevation for a Sky Race they were training for in Canada. I just went and did one of their rounds with them. It was really cold, and we even got a little dusting of snow.

Pretty frosted flowers.

Taylor Mountain Road:
The first official long run of our training was an 8 miler on Taylor Mountain Road. It's 4 miles up, and 4 miles down. I felt amazing and was able to run the entire uphill stretch, and I really pushed my downhill pace on the way back. I feel like my strength training is starting to benefit me.

Somewhere on the 4 mile climb.

Long and steady!

We all did great!

Cranky Cowboy:
Mark, Ashlee, and I did the Cranky Cowboy for the first time. I really loved the trail! All shaded in the trees, and just enough uphill to make it challenging, and enough downhill to make it fun.


Women's Runs:
Like always, we had some great women's runs in May.

This is always a good run with the ladies!

Little Kelly's:
We got a bit more than we bargained for on this one. It was a total mud-fest. Like a take two steps forward, and slide back three kind of mud. We had a few ladies go down, and we were cracking up!

Before we realized it was going to get crazy!

Just a little look at what the mud was like. Not only messy, but so so slippery!

Deer Park Canal:
I love this route in the spring.

The turn around point at the river.

I did some other running too, like the treadmill, the Boise Greenbelt, and some donkey running, but those will be in different posts.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Celebration Weekend in Boise

Bailey, Mason, and Nora had a lot to celebrate, so we all gathered in Boise for a fun weekend. We kicked it off with them giving me the most adorable Mother's Day gift. They got me a chicken egg cleaner, and Bailey, Nora, and I got matching aprons for gathering chicken eggs! I'm so excited; I can't wait until my chickens start laying eggs! 

So cute!

Mine holds the most eggs, then Bailey's, and I think Nora's can carry 5 eggs. 

Then we got to celebrate Mason's Birthday. We got him a skill saw, a jig saw, and some clamps. Bailey always has these fun things for him to make for Nora, but he didn't have the tools to do it, but now he does! I can't wait to see the fun things he makes.

Happy birthday Mason!

Nora is the best helper!

He immediately started having way too much fun with the clamps. 😂

Pops entertained Nora with his mad juggling skills.

We took the kids out to dinner on Friday night. We had Bailey pick, since we were there to celebrate her law school graduation. She picked Olive Garden. Nora was a crack up!

She charmed our waitress and pretty much got whatever she wanted. 😄

I love her!


The next morning, Mark and I got up early and did an eight mile run on the greenbelt.

We love the greenbelt in Boise.

Then Mason's family, Mark, and I took Nora to the zoo while Bailey and Mason got all set up for her 2nd birthday party.

First order of business was cotton candy.

Nora adores her Uncle Crew, and she loved following him around all day.

Nora and Crew

Nora definitely doesn't have a shortage of people who love her.

Watching the penguins with Pops!

I could hang out with her all day every day!



Watching the ducks with her beef stick. 😁

We could have stayed there for so much longer, but Nora needed to get home and have a nap before her birthday bash got started.

I can't believe our Nora Rae is two years old! She had a space themed 2nd birthday party, and it was so cute! 

This was the cutest idea! Bailey added some blank pages to this space book, and all the guests took a polaroid with Nora, stuck it in the book, and wrote her a little message. So fun!

The yummiest space themed lunch!

I love this birthday girl so much!

I wish we could freeze time, because I love the stage she is at so much right now.

Nora loves her Great Grandma and Grandpa! They truly are the best!

All the Cannon siblings!

Bailey decorated the cutest little space cake for Nora!

Opening her presents from Grams & Pops!

We got her a baby doll stroller, some clothes, a couple cute leotards, and a month of gymnastics lessons.

A giant stuffed Dog from Lance.

Taylor always knocks it out of the park with his presents for Nora. 😆

I love this picture so much!

Eating her yummy cake!

Trying out her new stroller.

She is the dreamiest little girl! We all love her so stinking much!

Happy birthday Nora Rae! It was so much fun celebrating you!

The next morning we all went to breakfast, and then hiked Tablerock.

Here comes Nora and her entourage! 

The Tablerock gang!


Everybody should hike with as much enthusiasm as Nora!

The big reason we went to Boise, is because Bailey was graduating from Law School! It was a long, hard three years, but she did it, and she did it with honors! It was quite a ride for them; she was pregnant her first year, and had Nora during finals week. She navigated her 2nd and 3rd years being a wife and mom, and being very involved with extra stuff for school. We're very proud of her, and were excited to be there to celebrate with her.

We met before the graduation ceremony for a pie bar, and presents. I'm grateful for Mason's family for all being there and showing her so much support.

The cutest pie bar for our graduate!

I loved putting this together for her.

There's my law school graduate wearing the art shirt I made for her for Kindergarten. 😆

Triska got her the nicest brief case bag for her clerkship.

We gave her money to help pay for her trip to Greece, and a trip to the Grand Canyon with us to do Rim to Rim to Rim in October. I'm so excited for the trip!

All her fun supporters.

Waiting for the graduation ceremony to start.

Love this!

She did it!

She still considers herself a bronco, but she let us take this picture anyways. 😆

Mason's family

So very proud of our determined, committed, hard working girl!

She has a picture like this from all her graduations! 😂

Bailey will remain in Boise for the next couple years, clerking for Justice Zahn of the Idaho Supreme Court. It's a great opportunity for her, and I'm sure will be an amazing experience. Currently she is studying full time for the bar, which she will take at the end of July.