Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Mother's Day

 I had a great Mother's Day! I got spoiled like always! Sawyer and Amanda came over and we had a yummy dinner that Mark made. Then I was showered with presents, followed by the most divine pie for dessert. 

Sawyer and Amanda got me a gift card to get a book from Barnes and Noble, and Amanda painted the cutest artwork for my chicken coop.

Mark went overboard with my presents. He got me the Sally McRae 'Do The Work' sweatshirt, a year subscription to her fitness app, a foam roller, and bands. Oh but wait, because that wasn't even the big gift!

I got a nugget ice machine! Ahhhhh, I love it!

I pretty much eat ice nonstop now!

Amanda made me a German chocolate pie, and it's my new favorite. 

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