Wednesday, June 26, 2024

May Adventures

I spent a lot of time strength training in May. I haven't done that in a long time, and I really enjoyed it. I knew my 100 mile training program was starting soon, so I got some good runs in too. I kind of did a version of the first month of it, to see where I was going to be at physically once it started.


I did an early morning Sidewinder run with Ashlee, Ashley, and Becky. I love that trail. Such a good climb, and then such a fun downhill run.

We had a really pretty sunrise.

Starting the day with these ladies is always a good idea.

Trail Hollow:
Dan had a Lost Souls preview run on Trail Hollow, so we got in a nice 6 miler. I knew I wouldn't be able to participate as much as usual with the Lost Souls this year, so I was glad to get to go on this one.

Cress Creek Canal:
I did a beautiful 5 mile solo run on the Cress Creek Canal. I had a nice chat with a beaver. 🦫

I love this area in the early mornings.

Cute little beaver friend.

Wolf Flats:
I've made it a point to get in some solo runs in the mornings, and I've really been enjoying them. This was a nice 5 miles on Wolf Flats.

Wolf Flats

The Butte:
I met up with Ronda and Chris for a round on the Butte. They needed to get a lot of miles and elevation for a Sky Race they were training for in Canada. I just went and did one of their rounds with them. It was really cold, and we even got a little dusting of snow.

Pretty frosted flowers.

Taylor Mountain Road:
The first official long run of our training was an 8 miler on Taylor Mountain Road. It's 4 miles up, and 4 miles down. I felt amazing and was able to run the entire uphill stretch, and I really pushed my downhill pace on the way back. I feel like my strength training is starting to benefit me.

Somewhere on the 4 mile climb.

Long and steady!

We all did great!

Cranky Cowboy:
Mark, Ashlee, and I did the Cranky Cowboy for the first time. I really loved the trail! All shaded in the trees, and just enough uphill to make it challenging, and enough downhill to make it fun.


Women's Runs:
Like always, we had some great women's runs in May.

This is always a good run with the ladies!

Little Kelly's:
We got a bit more than we bargained for on this one. It was a total mud-fest. Like a take two steps forward, and slide back three kind of mud. We had a few ladies go down, and we were cracking up!

Before we realized it was going to get crazy!

Just a little look at what the mud was like. Not only messy, but so so slippery!

Deer Park Canal:
I love this route in the spring.

The turn around point at the river.

I did some other running too, like the treadmill, the Boise Greenbelt, and some donkey running, but those will be in different posts.

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