Thursday, December 5, 2024

Thanksgiving Break

 Thanksgiving was so fun! I love when everyone is here together! I wish it would have been a lot longer. Mark and I were still not moving super well, But we didn't do anything that required a lot of effort other than cooking on thanksgiving day. We dug out the Rock Band and Mario Cart stuff and Mason got it all hooked up. That was some nostalgic fun! We haven't played that in years!

Our Thanksgiving dinner was yummy! Mark smoked our turkey and it was so good! Dinner consisted of Mark & I, Sawyer & Amanda, Mason, Bailey, & Nora, and Taylor & Liv (Mason's brother and his girlfriend). Later that afternoon, Larry came over for a visit and some dessert. 

Rock Band!

While everyone was playing games, Nora helped me in the kitchen. I love this little munchkin so stinking much!

Licking our spoons.

Amanda set the table for me.

Mark and his yummy turkey!

Our Thanksgiving dinner crew!

Nora and Floof have the cutest relationship! She wanted him to get in on the Rock Band action. 😂

Nora and I read a gazillion books! She seriously doesn't ever get bored of reading. We went through the whole stack of kid's books that we have here several times. I even got on Amazon and ordered a few more.

Bailey was sick, and Mischief was quite concerned. 😁

Mischief was her little couch buddy the whole weekend.

Friday was the Boise State game! Go Broncos! They won!

Nora spent time out in the barn with me. She made good friends with Fern. 😂

Nora and I built her whole farm lego set, so the bucket we keep the legos in was empty. Floof quickly got in and made himself comfortable. Nora kept telling him to get out, but he wouldn't. She was getting so mad at him. She started taking the lego farm apart and filling the bucket back up with all the pieces, thinking he would jump out. He just stayed put. I was dying! 😆 Bailey wouldn't let her dump him out, and she was getting so annoyed. Nora definitely thinks she's the boss of Floof, but Floof has no clue, and just does whatever he wants. Their relationship is hilarious.

On Saturday we watched Moana here, and then went to the theater for the second one. It was Nora's first movie at the theater, and she loved it. 

She was excited about the movie, and about getting to pick her own snack. 😊

Mason got up early every morning to help me with all the animal chores. What a guy! I was moving slow, and sometimes it was still painful, so I was really grateful he took pity on me, and helped me out. He also helped Mark make a new stand for the goat stall.

We played a few games of Settlers, and I realized how much I miss having people here to play games with. It was a super fun weekend! I wish Sawyer and Amanda would have done more stuff with us, but it was fun having everyone together on Thanksgiving day at least. I wish we all lived close to each other!

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