I can't believe Bailey is 10 years old! She is so excited to be in the 'double digits'! We spent an AWESOME weekend together celebrating her birthday. Me, Bailey and Grammy went to an overnight scrapbook retreat at the Red Lion Hotel. I went over early on Friday and tied balloons to her chair and left a present at her spot. Then I picked her up from school on Friday afternoon, and we headed over. Bailey has always wanted to stay in a hotel with a balcony...she was thrilled we had the 6th floor, with the balcony overlooking the falls. When we got down to the conference center, she was excited to find her spot all decorated. Everyone knew it was her birthday, so lots of people fussed over her. The whole room sang Happy Birthday to her, and her face turned bright red. She even got free stuff, just for being the birthday girl. Mark and Sawyer came over on Friday night and brought her an ice cream cake. She loved the cake, but she really loved having Mark and Sawyer there for awhile, so they could see all the stuff she already had done. Bailey got 31 pages done! She finished an album she had been working on forever, and almost finished another year. She would scrapbook for awhile, and then get up and walk around the store they had set up, or go around and talk to people and look at their projects. They had so much food there for us to eat. I think Bailey spent most of the weekend eating junk food. They always have a lady come and give massages to the scrapbookers. Bailey treated herself to her very first professional massage, and now I think she's hooked! It was such a great weekend for the 3 of us, and I hope we can do something like this every year.

On the balconyThe birthday girl
Her foot massage
She finished an album
Taking a break to walk around the falls
She is such a beauty. I love that she got a massage. That cracks me up. I am sooo glad you all had a good time!
That's awesome. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! She is so cute!! Growing up way too fast.
She is a babe. I am glad that you guys had such a great time!
Happy Birthday Bailey! We all love you so much and wish you were closer so that we could celebrate with you. You are so beautiful and talented; it is fun watching you grow up.
Oh that is awesome fun!! She's doing way better at her scrappin than I am. Keep it up Bailey and Happy Birthday.
Sounds like you guys had a blast. I cant believe she got that many pages done. wow!!
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