We had a great 4th of July. It's one of our favorite holidays. We kicked off the weekend by trying to fix some of the damage the dogs did to our backyard. We haven't been able to water our plants, because they ate the drip system. We had to remove the rocks, put in a new drip line, cover it with chicken wire (so they can't get to it), put down new ground cover, and replace the rocks. It was a long, hard process, and we aren't even half way done. We are really hoping they are done with the puppy phase of their lives now.
We hope this wire will keep them out.
The rest of us were supposed to be helping, but we pretty much just played with the naughty dogs the whole time.
We got up early on Sat. and ran the Firecracker Fun Run. It was freezing!
Getting ready to start. Bailey doesn't look very happy...she was cold!
Me and Bailey finishing.
We had just enough time to run home and get warmer clothes on before heading to the parade.
After the parade, we had our traditional BBQ....well maybe not traditional. We actually couldn't BBQ, because the dogs ate Mark's BBQ last summer and we haven't replaced it yet. So, we just cooked hot dogs over the fire, and had lots of other yummy treats.

Good thing Grammy is so patient, because all Reeses and Oreo wanted to do was sit with her, or play with her. She was their favorite :)! As naughty as they are, we really do love them. They just had to grow out of their puppy stage...we hope!
Then we headed to the fireworks. Melaluca puts on the best show! We had seats right across the dock from where they light them off. It was AWESOME! We could see them falling into the river, and reflecting off the water.
Glad you had a fun holiday!
so fun. Your yard looks good, have us over for a bbq ;) You guys are doing awesome with all the running this year. girls camp looked fun and I can't believe Bailey is old enough to go off to camp - that is crazy!
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