We have never taken the dogs swimming in a lake, and we've wanted to for a long time. They have gone in the canal, and in little streams, but they've never had the chance to REALLY swim. We decided to take them up to Rigby Lake to see how they would do. They LOVED it!
Reeces got the stick, but Oreo was in her way. She kept smacking Oreo in the back of the head with the stick. It was so funny!
Mark would throw the stick off the end of the dock, and Reeces would bound in after it. Oreo had no idea what to do. She would stand at the end of the dock, and then dive in the water head first, like a person would do. I didn't get a picture of it, but it was hilarious. She is so stupid!
Even with all the damage they've caused, and all the headaches they've given us, they are so much fun, and we love them a ton!
I can't believe they love the water that much. Next time you should take Honey. Maybe she would sink.....
I am glad that they had fun even though I think they are annoying. I was hoping you guys were swimming with them.
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