Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mesa Falls Half Marathon!

Bailey ran the Mesa Falls Half Marathon at age 10! She set a goal at the beginning of the summer that she wanted to run 10 miles. I can honestly say, I wasn't sure that was reasonable. After watching her run a 10K, and the Bone and Back Relay, I realized it was VERY reasonable. I figured if she could run 10 miles, she should just give the half marathon a try. She is one determined little girl! She worked so hard all summer long. When most kids were sleeping in over the summer break, she was getting up early and running. She struggled with her feet on our last few long training runs, and I knew that was going to be an issue.
Race day finally came, and she was ready! She did AWESOME! She struggled a little bit between miles 7 and 10. She was tired and her feet were really hurting. I told her that she would have to just work through the pain, because there was nothing we could do about it at that point. I tried to distract her by talking about what she was gonna wear on the first day of school, and how we were going to do her hair. Before we new it, we were at mile 11! She perked right up. She realized she was almost done, and she finished strong. She even made me and Kassie run fast down the final stretch. I am so proud of her! When she sets her mind to something, she goes for it 100%. That's one of the things I love the most about her. This is an accomplishment she can be proud of forever!

Bailey and Kassie at the starting line.
This was Kassie's first half marathon, and she did great too!
This was right around mile 10. She sure looks happy for the camera, but her feet were really hurting at this point.

She did it!

I have run by myself for years, and I'm so happy that now I have 2 great running partners.

Every finisher get a huckleberry milkshake. She sure did earn every bite of hers!


Jenni said...

Yay Bailey!!! You really are amazing. You other two are pretty okay, too!

cressfamily said...

WOW! Amazing, congrats Bailey.