Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Off to School!

There are things I like, and things I don't like about school getting started back up. I LOVE having my kids home during the summer. I love hanging out with Bailey all day. She's been my shadow all summer, and she's always a huge helper. I love that they can stay up late hanging out with friends, and playing night games. I love that we can go on vacation and take trips. We never seem to get it all crammed in, and then before you know it, they are heading back to school. I do like getting a routine back, and that 'new start' feeling that the beginning of a school year brings. I love that school starting means the cross country season is upon us. I love how excited they get. You get the picture...mixed emotions!

Bailey's first day of 6th grade. Her last year of elementary school....it's sad and exciting all at the same time.

Good luck Bailey! I hope your 6th grade year is all you hope it will be!

I'm really having a hard time with the fact that he's now a Junior in high school! Wasn't I just that age? When I realize this is the year he will be taking ACT test, and really thinking about college, it gives me anxiety. How can he only have 2 years left?!?

When it's time to take Sawyer's pictures, I always have to say, "Let me get a few good ones, and THEN you can be goofy."

Good luck Sawyer! Have fun, and make the most of it!


Tammi said...

It's hard to believe how fast they grew up. Super excited to get Bailey in YW!!!! Love those kids and their parents!

Gurdzhi said...

i like her hair ! amazing

Unknown said...

I can't believe how grown up your kids are Tricia!!!