Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Falls Valley Graduation

Falls Valley had a fun graduation ceremony for the 6th grade students. The theme was, Our Future Is Unwritten.  The graduates sang Unwritten, and did a fun dance. Bailey gave a short speech, and then performed, A Place in This World, with Mark. She doesn't get nervous anymore when she performs, but this one was a little scary, because it was in front of her peers. She did a beautiful job. There was one other speaker, and then the kids were presented their diplomas. She's had such a great elementary school career. Her time at Falls Valley really has been wonderful. I'm not even sad that she's leaving, because I feel like she's well prepared, and ready to tackle middle school. 

 Receiving her diploma from Mr. Guachay.

Whahoo! Diploma in hand!

 Hannah, Madi, Marlee, Neesha, Bailey, Annie, and Emily. I love these girls! I feel like I can credit a lot of who Bailey has become to the wonderful friends she surrounds herself with. 

 This picture choked me up a bit. These two goof balls met in first grade, and I feel like they have been almost inseparable since then. They have truly been the definition of best friends. 

Marlee, Neesha, and Bailey. These three are so different from each other, as far as talents and hobbies go. It will be interesting to see what happens in middle school. It's inevitable that things will change along the way, but I hope these girls can always support each other, and stay close.

Congratulations Bailey! We are so proud of you! You have had a successful Falls Valley career, and we know exciting things are in store for you at Rocky Mountain! We love you!

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