Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I took the kids out on a Sunday morning to take pictures of them for our Christmas cards. They were being big brats (and by THEY, I mean Sawyer). So, I finally gave up and decided on this instead. I thought it was perfect.

 Our card said, "Wishing you a silent night."
That will teach them to complain about Christmas pictures in the future!

We did all of our usual traditions for Christmas Eve. I tried to talk Bailey out of making cookies for Santa this year. The neighbors had brought us plenty of treats we could have easily shared with him, but she wouldn't hear of it. So, she made cookies.

 She's wearing Sawyer's shirt in all of these pictures, because earlier in the evening, he managed to dump a whole cup of water on her. She decided she didn't want extra laundry to do, so she went up to change clothes, and came down wearing his! Haha, gotta love her!

We didn't get a picture of the Christmas story that we read this year. It was a cute story called Christmas Bliss. After our story, we went out to throw our reindeer dust. I can't believe that this is our last reindeer dust with Sawyer. It makes me so sad. The pictures just won't be the same without him :(!

At least he put on a good show for his last time!

 Before bed they got to open a present. Yay! Gift cards from my Dad!

Santa came! Christmas morning started bright and early like always. We were done opening everything by 6:30. Then we spent the rest of the day playing with our new stuff!

 All ready to get started!

 Sawyer got a stereo system for his car. His went out a little while back, and you just can't be a teenager without music in the car. He was pretty happy!

 Even Reeses and Oreo got lots of treats and toys!

 One Direction and Carrie Underwood CDs!

 Bailey got the boys new pajama pants!

 His favorite gift was probably his Ipod touch. Bailey was happy too, because she'll probably get it when he leaves on his mission.

Bailey got a head to practice doing hair on. Sawyer is totally and completely creeped out by it, so Bailey finds great joy leaving her in random places for him to find. She left the head sitting at the foot of his bed in the dark one night. That was fun for all of us :)! She's actually washed, dried, curled, and styled the hair about a zillion times already.

She got a whole box full of crazy socks! She was so excited to be restocked!

Mark made her this great piece of furniture! It spins, and there is something on all four sides. One side has shelves and baskets, another side has a cork/magnet board.

It also has a full length mirror on one side, and hooks to hang coats, bags, and medals on the last side. She loves it!

 Sawyer with all of his loot!

 Bailey with all of her stuff!

 Even the dogs loved everything they got. They ate treats and snuggled with their new stuffed animals all day.

Merry Christmas!

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