Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sniffy the Elf

Santa got in contact with me and told me that they had a naughty elf living in the North Pole. His name was Sniffy, and he needed a home for the month of December, because he was too distracting for all the elves that were trying to work hard and get ready for Christmas. We had a family meeting and the kids agreed that Sniffy could come live with us for a while. They had NO IDEA what they were getting themselves into! 

 Meet our new friend Sniffy! He's cute, but he does tend to get into a lot of mischief! He did something naughty every night while we slept. 

He toilet papered our Christmas tree!
I have to admit, most of what he did cracked me up! It usually was directed toward the kids, like when he took down our stockings, and hung up their underwear instead.

 He sticky noted the inside and outside of Sawyer's car!

 This may have been my favorite. He drew on the picture on our entry way table!

 He dyed our milk blue and green. That made for a fun week of cereal!

 He took a 'bubble bath' in the kids bathroom sink.

 We found out that he loves roasting marshmallows.

 He emptied the kids shoe cabinet and made a tower at their breakfast spots!

 Silly elf! He went fishing in the toilet!

 It took too long for us to get snow, so he created his own, and made snow angels on the counter.

 He tried to get his own breakfast but got stuck.

 Another one of my favorites. He turned one of the reindeer in our front yard into Rudolph and went for a ride. This one took the kids a while to find.

 He really outdid himself on this night! He wrapped our toilet! I'm not gonna lie, I cracked up when Sawyer ran into the bathroom because he had to go really bad. All we heard was a scream, and then fast foot steps heading to the bathroom upstairs!

 The kids wouldn't take him to school, so one night he tied himself to Sawyer's steering wheel with a note that said, "Please take me with you! Don't make me spend another day with Mom!" The kids got a kick out of that. And just on a side note...he did actually make it to school once, because he hid in the bottom of Bailey's backpack :)!

 We actually thought he was being nice for a change, because he left candy bars for the kids. But, when they opened their candy bars, Sniffy had already taken a big bite out of them.

 He was going to brush his teeth, but got distracted, and ended up writing on their mirror with the tooth paste. At least he wrote something nice.

 This one made me laugh right out loud. He found some friends, and they all took a carousel ride on the ceiling fan!

 Or how about the night he filled the kids shower with 48 balloons!

 This one was the BEST! He wrote all over Sawyer's car windows! Me, Mark, and Bailey were laughing so hard, but for some reason Sawyer refused to drive to school that day! He had Andrew come and get him, so I had to take Bailey myself! Thanks a lot Sniffy!

 He found some friends again, and they had a big snowball fight all over the living room!

 Sniffy took a snowball right to the eye! I'm sure he deserved it.

 He got into all the Christmas books and had his own story time.

 He crate papered the kids into their rooms! Wish I could have seen their faces when they opened their doors in the morning.

Sawyer thought this one was pretty funny! He wanted to be the star!

We thought Santa had picked him up on Christmas Eve, but he had really hidden himself in one of the presents! 

He's gone now, but it sure was a crazy month with him here. I wonder if he'll start behaving himself, or if they'll want us to take him again next year?!?

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