Friday, December 28, 2012


On the last school day before Christmas break, Bailey fell down the garage stairs and landed really hard on the concrete floor. She said she couldn't move her arm, so I told her to come back in and let me look at it. She said she was fine, and just wanted to go to school. I didn't think much more about it until she got home from school. She said she still couldn't bend her arm, and it hurt if anything touched it. She showed it to me after school, and her elbow was HUGE, and really bruised. We were worried that she might have broke something, so Mark took her in for x-rays that evening. Nothing was broken or sprained. It just had a lot of fluid in it and was swollen so big that she couldn't bend it. The doctor wrapped it up, and said she'd be back to normal in a few days. She had a pretty good bruise on her bum too. It took about 4 days, but then she was back to normal, just a little sore.

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