Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Summer Jobs

Bailey's always been a hard working, determined person. She loves to earn money, and is very smart with it. She is determined that she is going to get through college debt free, and pay for it herself. We encourage her not to work very much (or at all) during the school year. School is her job, and she will earn more in scholarship money than she would if she had worked. But, when summer rolls around, she will do whatever is offered to earn money. Last summer she cleaned office buildings, taught guitar lessons, mowed lawns, took care of peoples houses and pets when they went out of town, etc... This summer she LOVES her jobs! She still teaches guitar lessons, and she also works at Snake River Bait, counting worms. Most girls would find it disgusting, but she thinks it's fun! She counts worms and puts them into cups for the company to sell as bait. She gets paid by the cup, so she loves the challenge. She has gotten so fast! She didn't think she'd make very much an hour there, but now she makes more than she does at her other job (per hour). She also works in Mark's office at Walsh Engineering. She either helps with projects, or works the front desk. It's fun for her to have the two extremes; one job you wear your grubby clothes, and one she dresses professionally. Both places are awesome and work great with her busy schedule. She hopes she can have both jobs again next summer.

Counting worms!
Working on projects at Walsh Engineering.
She loves working the front desk.

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