Thursday, April 4, 2019

Bishop Varvel!

Mark got called to be a bishop up at BYU-I in March. He was already serving up there as a counselor in a bishopric for Jeff Barnard. He loved it so much. He used to say it was the perfect calling, because he got to have all the fun with the kids, and didn't have to worry about the heavy stuff. Hahaha, I guess he spoke too soon! He is now the bishop of the 50th ward. It's just a different ward in the same stake we were already in. He was released from his calling in one ward, and called to his new position right after. Bailey decided to drive home and surprise him. It was so fun to have us all together (even if it was just for a day). She rang the doorbell on Saturday, and I said, "Not it" so I wouldn't have to answer the door. When Mark looked out the door window and saw Bailey standing there, his first thought was why she didn't come in the garage door. Then she said, "Hi Bishop!" and he remembered that she lives in Boise, and was shocked to see her. Hahaha, it was pretty funny! 

As you can see from the picture, the pups were excited to have Bailey home too. Reeses wouldn't stop smiling, and she wouldn't get away from Bailey long enough for me to take a picture of them without her in it. 

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