Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Sawyer & Kaija's Utah Trip

Sawyer and Kaija went down to Utah for a relaxing few days. They stayed with Kaija's Aunt and Uncle and had a great time. Part of what Kaija got Sawyer for Valentine's Day was a fish spa experience. They did that while they were down there. So fun! They also went to the Utah Symphony, ate at yummy places, and played games with her family. 

The fish spa! Look at all the little fish eating their toes!

All done! Thanks fish!
Sawyer's first symphony!
The Utah Symphony!

Nothing makes Sawyer happier then a giant plate filled with french toast. They ate at Joe's Diner, Sushi Burrito, and Chipotle- all firsts for Sawyer.
Sushi Burrito

Playing games with Kaija's family. I think this was piranha uno.

Awe, aren't they cute!

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