Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Valentine's Day

We had a fun Valentine's Day this year. It was a little different not having Bailey around (I always made her a fun breakfast), but I sent her a package to show the love. I left everyone's gifts on the counter for them to get first thing in the morning. Mark and I went to lunch to celebrate, and the rest of the day was business as usual. 

Bailey's package!

Sawyer got chocolate covered almonds, and the best sloth socks.

Mark got me a cupcake and a cookie.

I got Mark movie passes. We've been having fun with our weekly lunch dates, so I wanted to get us something else to do together. Now we are going to go to a movie once a month, and alternate who picks each time.

Even the puppies felt the love! :)

I made napoleons for dessert, but not until a few days later. They were super easy, and so yummy!
Happy Valentine's Day!

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