Saturday, February 29, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
 It was a strange kind of Valentine's Day this year. Sawyer had moved out the week before, and Bailey was recovering from surgery, so there wasn't too much celebrating. I made a fun breakfast of strawberries and cream french toast, we all got presents, and we had yummy lemonade bars for dessert. Mark and I went on an awesome run, but I'll save that for a different post. That's about it!

Sawyer moved into the cutest apartment! He didn't have any furniture, so we got him a kitchen table as a house warming gift, and then we got him a rug to go under it for his Valentine's Day gift. So fun!

I told Mark thanks for 'growing old' with me, and got him a plant for his office, and reading glasses. Yep, we're there!

We got Bailey and Mason a gift card to go eat at Tacanos when they get back to Boise. We knew they wouldn't have much of a chance to celebrate since Bailey was one day post op, so we figured they could have a nice date once she was recovered a little bit.

Mark got me the BEST gift! for the past 15 years I have said I wanted a microwave in my closet. I always want to heat my rice pad, slippers, or make popcorn, but I never want to go back downstairs. Now I have a microwave in my closet, and a cute little stand for it to sit on. I LOVE it, and have already used the heck out of it!

Strawberries and Cream stuffed French Toast! So yummy!

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