Monday, April 6, 2020

March Runs

We were able to get some great group runs in at the beginning of March, before things went nuts with COVID-19. The group running is one of the things I miss the most. For some reason running as a group made it so much easier to find my motivation. Since the groups have all been canceled, I still run, but I haven't been nearly as excited about it. We may be in this mess for the long haul, so I better find other creative ways to spark that motivation!

Women's Runs:
These runs are my favorite! We were getting more new people coming each week once the weather warmed up. It's such a fun way to connect with other ladies that love similar things as me. I hope we are able to start them up again soon. I miss them! :(

A run around the river and Freeman Park!

A beautiful night on the Sunnyside Canal.

IFTR Early Morning Runs:
We squeezed in 2 early morning group runs at the beginning of the month as well. I loved these ones because they always got me a good amount of mileage for the day, and usually challenged me pretty good.

This was a crazy, icy road up Taylor Mountain Road.

Taylor Mountain Road

Our last run was a brutal hill workout on the Founder's Point hill.

Run Your Ice Off Group Runs:
We only got in one Wednesday night group run this month. 

We had a good group this night! Jeff was there too, but came after the picture.
Lower Palisades Lake (almost):
Early in the month I was in the mood to hike, so Jenn and I planned to take her son, RJ, to Lower Palisades Lake for his first time. Everything was going great, and we were almost there when we encountered a snow slide across the trail. We could dig in foot holds across most of it, but then we came to a section that was solid ice. It was a steep bank that led straight to the river. We tried to find a way up and around it, but it was just as bad at the top, and that would have been a higher slide into the river if anything went wrong. Back at the trail, Jen found a rock and carved a few footholds, but the next thing I know, she was sliding down the bank right into the river. It was so slick, we knew there was no way for her to stop herself, so we just had to hope she landed alright.  She landed on her feet in the water, and other than being cold, she was alright. But, she couldn't get out! The bank where she slid down was too slick, up from that was a snowy overhang, so it just kept breaking through when she tried to climb out. She had to walk down river a little ways and find a good spot to climb out. Brrr! We were so disappointed that we weren't gonna make it to the lake for RJs first time! If it was just Jenn and me, we could have walked up the river, but we didn't want to risk that with RJ. So, we turned around and headed back. It was still a fun day, and the farthest distance RJ has ever hiked. We'll just have to take a trip back up with him another time.


We had a pretty day!

Here's the part of the snow slide that we could get past.

If you look right ahead of Jenn in this picture, you can see where it smooths out. It was about 5 feet across of solid, slick ice.

Jenn carving footholds.

Jenn in the water.

The son came out on our way back, so we were able to shed jackets, hats, and gloves.
Eagle Pass Road-Trail of Bones:
We had a 9 miler to get in, so we did Eagle Pass Road and Trail of Bones. There was more snow on top than we thought there would be. Tons of new bones though!

Our trail marker had fallen down during winter, so we set it back up.

Looking over the ridge.


We went down the steep way!
The Butte:
We had a social distancing group run on the Butte in March. We all drove separate, and kept our distance while we were out running. We had a 13 miler (Steph had 20), and it was tough. Mark and I did the 25K Spitfire course which meant we had to go up and down the front and backside of the butte twice. We did a lot of elevation! Since the Spitfire race had to be postponed, it was a good way for us to do it anyways. I noticed a lot of families out hiking. People were being very polite and making sure they kept their distance from each other. It was nice to see whole families out hiking together.

At the top of the Butte.

Social distancing...well, except for Me and Mark. :)

Jenn took this cool picture of us through a hole in a rock. I love it!
March was a hard month, and I have a feeling April is gonna be even worse. We're gonna keep lacing up our shoes, getting out there to run, and trying to find creative ways to stay motivated. At least Mark and I share this same hobby, and we don't have to stay away from each other, so I always have a running buddy through this mess.

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