Friday, April 3, 2020

Temple Blessings

A couple weekends ago, while we were in Boise, we heard that they had started closing temples around the world due to the COVID-19 virus, and limiting attendance for the ones that remained opened. Bailey was scheduled to go through on March 25th. The Idaho Falls Temple remained open with limited use. When we got back from our spring break trip we started hearing about more and more temples that were shutting down. All the Idaho temples, except for ours, and several in Utah. So much had been going bad for Bailey lately, that I really wanted her to be able to make it through the temple! I prayed and prayed that ours could stay open for at least a couple more days. On Wednesday, March 25th, Bailey had her own little private temple session with just 8 of us. It was perfect! She only had the use of one arm, and she could barely walk because she injured her back on a hike, but it was just her going through, so she had all the help and attention she needed. Right as we were finishing up, the temple workers got word that Idaho's Governor released a 'stay at home' order, and the temple had to be closed. Bailey JUST made it! She was the last one through! It was the exact tender mercy that our family needed. Bailey loved her experience at the temple, and is excited for them to open back up so she can continue to go often. Now we're hoping that the Idaho Falls Temple can open back up before May 16th so Bailey and Mason can be married there. At this point, it's not looking like their wedding will go according to plans, but they've both been good sports about it. One way or another, they're gonna end up married; it may be in the mountains with just family, but however it happens will be great!


Bailey and Mason
Hopefully you'll see a similar pose in a wedding dress and suit in May.

Bailey and Madi
Madi is Bailey's longest lifetime friend. We have pictures of them together as babies sitting in their carseats. I'm glad they could share this big life moment with each other.


Bailey and Noah
Grateful to have a cousin close enough to be there.

We couldn't be more proud of Bailey. She's loved the temple her whole life, and went every week through high school. We knew she was ready to receive more temple blessings, and we wanted it to be perfect for her.....and it was! 

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