Wednesday, November 11, 2020

My Sweet Pups

 Anyone that knows me well, knows how much I love my pups! They bring so much sunshine to my days. They are getting old, and they are starting to feel their ages (Reeses more than Oreo). We've had to buy a ramp for them to get in and out of the back of my car, and the trailer when we take them camping. They just can't quite make the big jumps anymore. When Reeses gets an arthritis flare up and has a hard time getting up in the mornings, it breaks my heart. But considering their ages, they are still doing great. I take them on a two mile walk 5-6 days a week, and that helps their joints a ton. They still act like puppies at heart, and Oreo would defend us to her death if the need arose. They make me laugh on a regular basis. Dogs are just good for the soul.

Look at that sweet old lady face!

Reeses got her back legs stuck around the end table. 😂

No one is ever as happy to see me as these sweet girls.

Don't worry Oreo, I'll just work around you. 😆

Somebody was needing some attention!

Yay! All you have to do is touch her to make her happy!

Back from the groomers after a much needed bath. All sparkly clean.

Besties from the get go!

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