Wednesday, December 9, 2020

November Runs

 Women's Runs:

Yay! November had a bonus Monday!

The first Monday was a run around the greenbelt and Snake River Landing.


The second Monday was at the track having a training session with Mike. I'm happy to report that I didn't get as sore as I thought I would. I haven't done that kind of stuff in a long time.

Training session with Mike.

Bleacher workouts are always hard!

The third Monday was a unique one. We invited the boys! Anyone who wanted to participate could come to this one. Amanda set up her Land Cruiser as the hub to collect food donations for a local food bank. people could drop off food and then do some laps around Freeman Park. Since Covid flared back up, we spread out the times, and then just ran on our own or in smaller groups. 

Donating food, and then going for a run!

Next was the annual turkey trot! It was freezing! Amanda, Stacy, and I dawned our hats, and went running around downtown. This was two days after my 50 miler, so we went slow and easy.


Our bonus Monday was a nice run along the canal. My back started giving me grief the week after my race, so I had mostly been walking. This was my first attempt to run again, and it did pretty good. I just went slow and easy.


IFTR Group Runs:

Dan has been gone and his group runs aren't starting back up until December. A few of us have just met in the mornings at Freeman Park to run the greenbelt. We forget to take pictures, but Jenn remembered when she was there, so I have that one.


Big Elk Creek:

I love it when Steph ditches work to hit the trails! We spent a day on Big Elk Creek, and it was perfect. Great weather, and plenty of mud; You can't go wrong with that.

State line!

Wolf Flats:

I've been trying to hit a lot of dirt roads lately. They make for great, consistent running. I did most of the ones close to home, so Steph and I decided to do a longer one on Wolf Flats along the river. So pretty!

Covid Runs:

While Mark was finishing up his quarantine after having COVID, we had to do some isolated runs. We hit places like Trail of Bones, and Trail Hollow so we wouldn't run into any people. 

Our Trail Hollow run got a little snowy and windy!

Palisades Creek:

I say it every year, but I love the Palisades trail in the winter. It's my favorite! We had a beautiful run. We followed HUGE cougar tracks the whole way! It was a bit unnerving, because it had snowed in the early morning hours, and the tracks were fresh in the snow. We're guessing our little kitty friend was there just a couple hours before us. I was grateful to be in a group. On the way back down the trail, Josh was in the lead, and came face to face with a big mountain goat! They scared each other equally! 😂 I've never seen a mountain goat on that side of the river, let alone on the actual trail on Palisades.

It's so pretty when it's snowy, but still not cold enough to be frozen yet.

These things were as big as my hand!

Winter Wonderland!


My favorite spot going up the trail.

Lower Lake

We went about a mile past the lower lake before we headed back.

My favorite spot on the way down the trail.

Our running wasn't as intense in November, because we were tapering down for the Dead Horse Ultra, and then recovering afterwards. We still got some good ones in though. Now it's time to gear up for the winter fun!

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