Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Delta Lake (Round Two)

Becky is training for R3 in the Grand Canyon, so she asked me if I wanted to do some hiking with her. Heck yes! Her first choice was Delta Lake in Grand Teton Park. I had just done it a couple weeks earlier, but was more than happy to do it again. It's a great one! Steph ditched work to go with us, and it was a great day. 

Becky at Delta Lake.

Steph at Delta Lake.
Becky and Steph had never done this hike before.

The water color is so cool!

I can never resist taking a quick dip. I'm not kidding when I say quick, because it is so cold!

I love the cairns through the rock field.

On the way back we saw two bears. This one was kind of scraggly looking. We watched him for a long time.


Overlooking Bradly and Taggart Lakes.

We picked and ate lots of huckleberries along the trail.

We saw our second bear within 2 miles of being done with the hike. We watched this one for a long time too. So cool! This has been my lucky trail for bears this year.

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