Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Nora Rae: 3-4 Months

Nora is still as cute as can be! She loves tummy time, rolling over, going on runs with her mamma, chatting up a storm, melting hearts with her huge grin, and being the center of attention. She started sleeping in her crib in her own room, laughing, and being so much more expressive these last two months. We love her so much!


BSU baby through and through!

The grin that melts our hearts.

Tummy time with mom!

I think she'll be a little reader!

She turned 3 months old at Redfish Lake!

Her big eyes are my favorite!

She went through a phase of sucking on her hands, but now she has moved on to her toes. 😃

Twinning at church!

Sound on for the cutest Nora babbles and squeaks!

Second year of law school is underway. She spends a lot of time helping mom study. She's going to be  the smartest baby out there.

Those giggles! 😊

Visiting dad at work!

She would bust up laughing every time Bailey did a fake cough. So funny! 😂

We can't believe this little munchkin as been here for 4 months!

Ahhh, I could just die at the cuteness!

Even though a lot of it has been done via FaceTime, we love watching her grown and learn. It's been so fun watching Mason and Bailey navigate being parents. They are both very smitten by this little girl. How could they not be? We love our Nora Rae!

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