Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Idaho Trial Lawyer's Association Award

Bailey finished up her first year of law school by going into labor during finals week. The school was so awesome to work with her, and she just had to take her finals a couple weeks late. It was hard for her to study with a brand new baby that was having trouble eating. She did her best, but literally took her finals on zero sleep! Bailey felt good about how her first year went, but was a little worried about the outcome of her finals. She ended up doing great, and even got an e-mail from one of her professors saying she entered Bailey's brief into a contest because she thought it was very well done. That was a fun surprise! Later in the summer, she found out her brief won the contest! Woot Woot!

Bailey was presented with her award at the convocation of the first year law students. That was fun, since she will be their writing TA this coming school year. Guess who presented her with her award? None other than Idaho Supreme Court Justice, Greg Moeller, who also happens to be Sawyer's father in law! How fun! When he gave her the award, he said, "Not only did Bailey deliver a great brief, but she also delivered a beautiful baby girl around the same time." 😁 

I'm so proud of Bailey! She is dedicated and driven, and gives 100% to everything she does.

Bailey and Nora at the award's ceremony.

Bailey, Nora, and Justice Moeller.

Bailey and her team of awesome cheer leaders!

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