Monday, February 27, 2023

February Snowshoe: Little Kellys

I've had a stress fracture, so I haven't been able to do anything. I was going stir crazy! After three weeks of staying off my feet, the doctor said I could try some light exercise to see how it does. Yes! Joyce and I went snow shoeing up Little Kellys. We weren't even a half mile up when we encountered a mama and baby moose right beside the trail. We have so much snow, so that is a lot lower down than we usually see them. They weren't gonna move, so we had to climb the hill on the opposite side of the trail, and side hill our way around them. We eventually made our way around them, and had a great few miles on the trails. We saw the moose of the way back as well, but the mama was having a nap, so we were able to go right on by.

Trying to get around the moose.

They moved down the trail right as we made our way around them.

We had to go through a lot of trees to get back on the trail. 😅

Such a pretty day! It felt so good to be out!

Passing the moose again on our way back to the car.

She had a dark body and light head. She was a pretty one.

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