Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Nora Rae-13 Months

It's crazy how fast Nora went from a baby to a little kid after she turned one. She is fun and independent, and loves exploring and learning new things. I remember loving this age with my kids, and I think I'll love it even more with my grandbabies. 

Mason, Bailey, and Nora have taken to eating Sunday breakfast outside on their patio. Here is Nora trying pancakes for the first time.

Bailey is nursing a lot less now, and was afraid Nora wouldn't like cow's milk. I guess the worry wasn't needed. Here's a video of Nora at church, chugging her milk just like her dad. 😂

Now that school is out for the summer, and the weather is nice, they have been spending a lot of time at the park. Nora loves exploring! She navigates the playground just like one of the big kids. If you don't like cute videos of a darling little girl at the park, ignore my blog for the next few months. 😁

Park day!

Here she is drinking out of her cup just like a big kid! 😭

Swinging is a favorite, but not THE favorite.

Just causing on the playground.

This is her favorite park pastime-collecting sticks! 😆

She is the cutest!

We got Nora a tool set for her birthday. Here she is helping Mason put together is under car roller thing.

Mason got a Rubik's Cube for his birthday that syncs to his phone and tells him how fast he solves it. Nora is trying to be just like her dad. 😊
Side note: Mason solves it ridiculously fast!


Bailey has been taking Nora on lots of hikes!

Look at those cute grins! They are both just happy to be outside in the sunshine.

Their first water crossing!
Hold tight Nora-you're mom isn't super coordinated! 😂

We got Nora an animal caller for her birthday. I think she is getting the hang of it!

Sunday school vibes. I feel the same way Nora! 😅

Another park day!

Swings! 😆

Nora was outside painting the sidewalk with water, and decided to be a drummer instead.

After their long runs, they went to the 
Farmer's Market. Nora walked around downtown like she owned the place, and tried to talk to everyone she saw. 😆

Waffle Love 😍

Nora took her first visit to Yellowstone for her mom and dad's anniversary. She loved it!

A stick in one hand, and a pinecone in the other. Life doesn't get much better than that!


Seeing the bison!

I love how she just knows to cheese at the camera.

Nora made her second visit to Cider Bend. They were only here for a couple hours, on their way home from Yellowstone, but she was old enough to interact with the animals this time. She had a blast playing with the goats. The rest of the pictures will be on my Cider Bend blog post for May.

Saying hi to Clover! 😍

She loved playing with the goats. 
She was trying to feed Ginger rocks. 😅

I think someone might need a haircut! 😂

Or maybe she is auditioning for Flock of Seaguls. 😆

I got Nora this cute dress a long time ago. So long ago, I don't even remember buying it. 😅 Glad it finally fits, because she looks so CUTE in it!

Bailey and Mason got Nora a balance bike for her birthday. She is doing great on it!

Watch her smile and get distracted by the dog. She takes after her Grams. 😁

Cheesin' on the swings!

Going down the slide!

I guess she's not a fan of plain chicken. 😂

Im so glad it's summer, and Nora get to explore the outside world more. She seems to love it so far. I hope the 3 of them have a great summer together!

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