Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Beaverhead 100k (Mason)

We spent a weekend in Salmon for the Beaverhead Endurance Race. Mason was running the 100k, so we went over to help with Nora, so Bailey could crew for him. We had a lot of friends from IFTR doing it too. Mason did amazing! At 61 miles, he doubled his farthest distance, and made it look easy. Nora was a trooper through the weekend too. 

We got to Salmon on Friday evening, and picked up Bailey, Mason, and Nora from Joel and Holly's place. It was a 4:00AM start time, so we slept at the start area. Bailey, Mason, and Nora were in a tent, and Mark and I slept in his truck (which didn't work very good).

My cute backseat buddy. I was in charge of keeping her entertained in the truck while they got the tent set up. Too many mosquitos to let her roam around.

Not a bad view from their tent.

About 3:50AM at the start line.

Poor little girl had no idea what was going on. 

Michelle and Ashlee were also running the 100k.

The start!

The first place we were able to see Mason was at mile 27. Once the race started, we packed up camp, and headed to the aid station at Lemhi Pass. Mark and I did a 12 mile run, while Bailey and Nora had breakfast, got ready for the day, and waited for Mason.

Mason was looking and feeling really good at mile 27. He was just hungry, so he ate quite a bit, and then set off for the hard half. This is where the crazy climbing started.

We saw him at two more aid stations, and then not again until the finish line. We knew we had some time to kill, so we went to the amish store in Salmon. We got donuts that were so good! If you are ever going by, I highly recommend stopping.
Then we headed to the finish line to wait for Mason, and all our friends to finish.

Nora was so cute! She loved the crowd, and the energized atmosphere.

When a runner would come in, the announcer would announce them, and everyone would cheer. Nora would stop whatever she was doing, and clap along with everyone else. Everybody thought she was darling!

Mason had a goal to finish before midnight. He had an injury, so for the month before the race, he hadn't been able to run much, so he really didn't know what to expect. He blew that right out of the water. He finished at about 8:40! Holy smokes that is so good!
Mason and his uncle, Joel, finished together.

Mason and Joel


It's crazy the difference a year can make. Mason doubled his distance, and I swear Nora doubled her size.
2023 100k finish.

Flashback: 2022 55k finish.

All of our IFTR peeps did amazing. Lindsay, Bradi, Ashley, and Joyce all finished the 55k. Mason, Michelle, Ashlee, Mat, and Carney all finished the 100k. So awesome!

Ashlee and Michelle


We dropped Bailey, Mason, and Nora back off at Joel and Holly's place around midnight, to spend the night, and Mark and I headed home. We were exhausted, so about an hour and a half down the road, we had to pull over and sleep in the truck for a couple hours. We ended up getting home at 5:00 Sunday morning.
Joel and Holly had a litter of puppies at their house, so Nora got to play with them. So cute!

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