Tuesday, December 26, 2023

November Adventures

 November was a fun running month. Lots of running in the dark, which I enjoy.

Palisades Night Run:

Mark, Jenn, Steph, and I did a run in the dark to Lower Palisades Lake. I loved it! I love trail running in the dark, as long as I'm with other people. It's usually very peaceful. Sometimes it's a little creepy, but if you know me, you know I love that as well. 😆

We took pictures in all our usual spots. 😆

The lower lake was right behind us.

The lower lake from the bridge.

Trial Hollow:
Mark, Steph, and I have been going out on Tuesday evenings and trying to get a trail run in to help build Steph's knee back up for the 2024 running season. 

Trail Hollow never disappoints when it comes to sunsets.

The Butte:
We put together an early morning run on the Butte. It was a great morning!

Fun group of people!


Little Kelly's:
Mark and I had a Friday night date night up Little Kelly's to see how the conditions were. We wanted to run there with Steph on our Tuesday night run, so we were just checking it out.

We went back and did it again with Steph. It was a little creepy this time. There was a tent, unzipped, with a pile of bedding in it, that looked like it had been roughed up a bit. No cars or people anywhere. I listen to way too much true crime, so of course I had to go investigate to make sure there wasn't a dead body in it. At one point I said, "What if a Mountain Lion got the person?" Mark promptly responded with, "And then what, drove off in his car?" 😂

Runs like this keep the adrenalin high!

Love these adventure buddies of mine.

Rigby Turkey:
David organized our Strava turkey run again this year. I love it, and I hope it's an annual thing now.


Isn't it the cutest turkey!

Sidewinder Sunrise:
I tagged along on an early morning Sidewinder run. I love this trail!

Going up in the dark.

We were treated to a great sunrise.


Jenn and I came back down before the guys, because I needed to be back.

Wolf Flats:
Jenn and I did a turkey 10K on Wolf Flats to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Dizzy Horse Preview Run:
We did one of the Dizzy Horse Preview Runs with IFTR. We didn't do Dizzy Horse this year, but just wanted to get out and be a little social on a run.

Bigalow's Beast-Little Kelly's:
Steph finally got to climb Bigalows! It was in the dark, so she didn't see much, but it was still super fun! We had a big moon rising over the trees and mountains as we were climbing, so that was cool. This is a fun loop. I enjoyed it in the dark.

Moonrise. I wish the pictures could do it justice, because it was really cool.

We made it to the top of Bigalow's.

Women's Runs:

Our first Women's Run of November was the Sunnyside Canal. Always a fun one!

Amanda organizes a food drive run every November, and invites everyone to the Women's Run. This is the one time the men can see what it's all about. 😆 There was such a great turn out, and we were able to gather and donate tons of food to the local food bank. They even did a cool news story on the event! It's growing each year, and it's so awesome to see that! 

Check out this amazing turn out!

So much food donated!

We also did our annual reindeer Strava run at the end of November. So fun!

Such a fun route for the holidays!

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